
"Questions Reporters Might Ask..."

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Can we stop acting like Trump has managed this thing well? Hydroxychloroquine, "this thing will disappear", 15 cases to zero by tomorrow, using cleaning products internally will fight it, no national plan, causing the states to compete with each other for gear, etc. It's a mess all over and not limited to Trump, yes. CNN and MSNBC need to shut the hell up about what mistakes were made and we need to work toward a solution. Harping on mistakes is counter productive, so is failing to acknowlege them. He is the man at the top and whether he is willing to accept any responsibility for his actions or lack thereof the buck does stop with him. Remember, per his understanding of the law his authority is absolute. Obama failed to replenish the national stockpile, that is true, but so did Donald for three years. I like how the article forgets to mention the numerous reports Trump did get in January and February, as well as the pandemic simulations he apparently went through early in his presidency to help prepare. Connecting impeachment to his responce is silly. People can do more than one thing at once and as president he should be able to. Plus, I didn't see him testifying at hearings or formulating strategy. That was other people. He was in the oval office or at rallies. He doesn't get to claim absolute power and absolve himself of all responsibility at the same time. Who knows what Biden would do, he isn't the president. Articles like that are great at stoking anger among their target audience (people more interested in being angry than in a solution) but **** poor when it comes to anything productive.
You gotta take your mask off bro, too much CO2.

I hear ya, its not worth getting worked up. The problem is we as a society have idolized and esteemed self important pompous beaurocrats and bullies. Regardless of what 'side' your on. As soon as we mature as a society we might actually see real progress.

I think the biggest mistake is that the people are not upset about the waste of 3yrs and millions of dollars for nothing. Regardless of you persuasion, those funds and time could have made some positive impact.

Here we sit bickering about nothing while the bankers and politicians just get richer.
How can you support the 2nd amendment and then support anyone on the left. Which is what your doing by attacking Trump. Yup, he’s not perfect, but is anyone on the left gonna let you keep your guns? Liberties? Property?
Seriously, wake up.
There's a difference between "Trump has managed this thing well", "Trump has managed this thing poorly", and "it's Trump's fault the virus killed Americans".

Door #3 is where the media, press, and general Liberal policy lives.

NOBODY could "manage this thing well". It sucks no matter who's in charge. Blaming the Boss...is a petty cop-out.

Do I think lockdowns are the right answer? No. I think we've crashed our economy for naught. But on the flipside...there really is no "right" answer here. Not like there's a recipe from prior experience with something like this.
Even if President Trump had done everything right and absolutely not one American died from this virus the Democratic left would have found SOMETHING to blame on him. They have been attacking him since the day he took the oath of office. Why? Because he frightens them. Has the president done everything right? No. He needs to get off Twitter and he needs to sometimes just (shut up) but since Biden or a Democrat is NOT in office we have no way of knowing if he or they would have done better or different.
We currently have Americans dying and the politicians are still bickering and fighting over the scraps on the table it makes me physically ill.
We need someone to grab everyone from both sides of the isle and sit them down in one room in a time out until they learn to work TOGETHER!!!!! If they want to ACT like adolescents then treat them as such until they GROW UP!!!!!
It’s not hard to work together it just takes time and everyone to step up and act in favor of the American people. Remember us??? We pay your darn salary.
I’ll stop now. 😡
Even if President Trump had done everything right and absolutely not one American died from this virus the Democratic left would have found SOMETHING to blame on him. They have been attacking him since the day he took the oath of office. Why? Because he frightens them. Has the president done everything right? No. He needs to get off Twitter and he needs to sometimes just (shut up) but since Biden or a Democrat is NOT in office we have no way of knowing if he or they would have done better or different.
We currently have Americans dying and the politicians are still bickering and fighting over the scraps on the table it makes me physically ill.
We need someone to grab everyone from both sides of the isle and sit them down in one room in a time out until they learn to work TOGETHER!!!!! If they want to ACT like adolescents then treat them as such until they GROW UP!!!!!
It’s not hard to work together it just takes time and everyone to step up and act in favor of the American people. Remember us??? We pay your darn salary.
I’ll stop now. 😡
Agreed Keystone, I don't think anyone in a leadership role would have done any better. Yes, we weren't that well prepared for this pandemic (and haven't been for decades IMHO), but neither was any other country out there. Yes we have the most cases, but we also have a population of over 325 million people. When this is all said and done, I'd like to see the breakdown of countries population compared with positive COVID-19 cases (of course throwing out countries like Chain, Russia, N. Korea, etc. that are not reporting accurately). I'd venture to think we might be at a similar ratio to other countries that reported accurate counts.
This is a typical human response to critical events. The next few years will be filled with blaming, followed with planning for another similar event, then followed by complacency. Just like after Hurricane Katrina and 911, these events can and will most likely reoccur when we let down out guard. If we take away only one lesson after this subsides, it should be to NOT trust our adversaries with critical national security infrastructure, and for them to "play" fair. This infrastructure needs to be here, or at the very least, at one of our most trusted allies that we could depend on if a similar crisis were to occur.
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