
Remington moving global headquarters to Georgia.

I feel for the folks that work in these factories. After all some of the companies have deep roots to their respective communities going back many years. In some cases multiple generations have been company employees. I'm sure moving to the new location is a very difficult decision for many to make.
My first programming job after college was with a company/factory that not only had I worked for right after high school, but that practically every member of my family tree worked and retired from, except my grandfather who died there.

After five years they moved much of the production and the entire office to Kansas. It was tough to see and experience. And I was one of the lucky ones who was offered work there, which I turned down. The city where it was, has never quite recovered, it was the largest employer in the area.
You guys can laugh if you like, but I got documentation:

Like the air gun in the article, air conditioning actually goes back quite a ways more than most people may think.
The fairly interesting article below explains some of it;
