
Springfield XD 4” Service Model 9mm Review

I'm sure the XD Service Model is a great gun, but I'm still mourning the loss of the XD Mod.2 line. The "Grip Zone" writing was silly, but the actual grip texture and ergonomics were perfect for my hand. I know some shooters hate any sort of external safety, but the grip safety is one of my favorite features on the XD's. Nothing to manipulate (or forget to manipulate), but still offers protection against AD/ND's.

I've never liked when people say that the XD's are "just as good" as Glocks. The truth is that they are reliable guns that offer features that Glocks don't, and do it for a much lower price. I don't consider them to be "just as good" as Glocks, I consider them to be a better value than Glocks.
I don't own an XD, but I've shot one several times, as a couple of my friends do own XD's. It is a very good gun, much better than the Glock (Glock's trigger sucks, period). At it's price point, I would say it's #1. Many of its features are found on guns costing twice as much.
It's stock trigger is good (excellent compared to Glock's), and easy to master.
The XD is an excellent choice for those with budgetary restrictions, and it's on my list of guns I recommend whenever a student, friends or family ask for advice.
Hello i have an xdm elite 9mm is it possible to change slides

No, it isn’t. The XD and XDM lines have their own specific frames and slides. They can can be changed within their own lines, but they can cross into each other’s line.
I'm sure the XD Service Model is a great gun, but I'm still mourning the loss of the XD Mod.2 line. The "Grip Zone" writing was silly, but the actual grip texture and ergonomics were perfect for my hand. I know some shooters hate any sort of external safety, but the grip safety is one of my favorite features on the XD's. Nothing to manipulate (or forget to manipulate), but still offers protection against AD/ND's.

I've never liked when people say that the XD's are "just as good" as Glocks. The truth is that they are reliable guns that offer features that Glocks don't, and do it for a much lower price. I don't consider them to be "just as good" as Glocks, I consider them to be a better value than Glocks.
I've got a 4-inch XD Mod 2 .45. Ergonomically it's one of best feeling .45 handguns I've ever had. It's my nightstand home protection handgun. It shoots very smooth and is very accurate. I like that it holds 13 + 1 of .45ACP, it's very reliable. I think the Mod 2 line was a very good line of handguns from Springfield across the board.


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I've got a 4-inch XD Mod 2 .45. Ergonomically it's one of best feeling .45 handguns I've ever had. It's my nightstand home protection handgun. It shoots very smooth and is very accurate. I like that it holds 13 + 1 of .45ACP, it's very reliable. I think the Mod 2 line was a very good line of handguns from Springfield across the board.

I have the same gun. It's the only SA I own actually. I've told this story before, but the facts are that the day I bought it I was Glock shopping. I must have had 5 different Glocks in my hands and I shot a few of them. I ended up with the Mod 2. I agree with everything you said about yours. Feels perfect in my hand, reliable for 1000s of rounds now and just stupid accurate. I've never touched anything. Sights, trigger, nothing.

Mine is on a gun magnet above my left knee as I type this.
I have the same gun. It's the only SA I own actually. I've told this story before, but the facts are that the day I bought it I was Glock shopping. I must have had 5 different Glocks in my hands and I shot a few of them. I ended up with the Mod 2. I agree with everything you said about yours. Feels perfect in my hand, reliable for 1000s of rounds now and just stupid accurate. I've never touched anything. Sights, trigger, nothing.

Mine is on a gun magnet above my left knee as I type this.
I had been in the market for a .45ACP handgun at the time I found the XD Mod 2. This was pre-covid times of course, I was surfing around and came across one of those weekly deals on PSA, 4-inch SA XD Mod 2 .45ACP with 3 mags if I remember correctly, few more goodies and that really nice hard case that some SA handguns come in. Anyway, $369.99......sometimes I get tired of swimming thru notification emails from gun websites but in that case, it paid dividends. I was having lunch in my vehicle at the time so I just ordered it right then on my phone to make sure I got one. They ran that deal for few days but I was glad to get one. Soon as I took it to the range and tried it out, it became my new nightstand gun.
I had been in the market for a .45ACP handgun at the time I found the XD Mod 2. This was pre-covid times of course, I was surfing around and came across one of those weekly deals on PSA, 4-inch SA XD Mod 2 .45ACP with 3 mags if I remember correctly, few more goodies and that really nice hard case that some SA handguns come in. Anyway, $369.99......sometimes I get tired of swimming thru notification emails from gun websites but in that case, it paid dividends. I was having lunch in my vehicle at the time so I just ordered it right then on my phone to make sure I got one. They ran that deal for few days but I was glad to get one. Soon as I took it to the range and tried it out, it became my new nightstand gun.
I guess so. I paid $500 for mine. With 3 mags.
Just recently had the opportunity to pick up a new XD Service Model in 9 mm for an insanely low price. This gun outperforms other big name firearms that are twice as expensive. It is a tac driver that has excellent reliability and great ergonomics. Every Springfield Armory product I own is truly outstanding and my new XD 9 Service Model is no exception.