
Stealth Arms Platypus



New Gear I Found At The NRA Convention​

I almost ordered a threaded Platypus but decided not to since my C2 Duo and Glocks and HKs are all threaded. Besides, my son only likes shooting suppressed .22LR and .300blk. So we ordered a Platypus in his design in the Commander length with no threaded barrel. Besides, I want to run 9mm Nato spec ammo in it anyway. Too loud for suppression. We're almost at week 4. Halfway done.
I went with a Navy/Fire color scheme but decided that this is his first year back in regular school after the covid crap and he was having issues for those two years but now that he's back in school, he's excelling and is consistantly above a 4.0 gpa so I told him go nuts and we both love the Mass Effect games so he made an N7 Design and I ordered it for him. It'll be a good grade/early 17th birthday present.

so away went mine and his gun was ordered:

Something like this ❓
It's similar, he was an infamous troll. His plans for TEOTWAWKI was to hide in the sewers with his assault wheel barrow, or grocery cart depending upon the week. They would be armored using weight lifting plates and he would have his .223 "with a can" and raid survivors camps killing them living off thier supplies.

And after one of his visits when he got ramped up, to your site, I was the mod of a primitive skills site at the time, you generally had a couple hours work cleaning up. Last I heard he was still in prison on federal weapons charges.