
Texas Park is rapidly becoming the modern day battle of san jacinto


the park the feds want..could be our modern battle of san jacinto
biden should maybe read the history books

this time it wont be santa anna that gets the short end , it will be the feds

as a native texan

i say COME AND TAKE IT uncle joe
if uncle biden federalizes texas guard in order to remove them from abbots control, i think it shall not go over well at ALL.

Biden has no idea how bad the swarm of killer bees will become. We STILL HAVE THE CANNON.

The governor, should also follow through with removing all fed agents from our borders as they are criminals engaged in human trafficking and failure to uphold law


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A few of my buddies and myself are debating driving down from ATX to support. I've never once been spurred on or inspired to get involved in anything like this but It's just absolutely unbelievable what's going on. I'm not sure how much longer we as a nation should be staying on the sidelines.

It's nice to see almost half the country showing support. If any place is going to be the powder keg, Texas seems fitting.
sort well defines if we go full on civil war
the states in red will control 80% of the ports and almost all the OIL
Exactly, the red states have overwhelming of all resources.
Also Cheyenne Mountain Complex in CO

The only unknown factor is active military and how that will split ❓
IMO, I think the majority of active military of each branch will support the "We the People" states❓

Maybe this is part of: Trust the Plan❓
Only time will tell❓
Border security is a major issue in the coming election. The Biden administration is publicly tearing down fences to open the border even more. This could very well bite the dems in the butt come November. I actually hope it does.

I stand with Texas! Do what ya gotta do! (y)
Your comment, That brings in another question.
Surely the Deep State Cabal and their Demoncrap associates are doing everything to get rid of Trump as they see the hand writing on the wall❓

Do you think they will even allow the elections to happen❓
Do these morons think that only Mexican nationals are the only 1's coming in! open border from NM to Cali is a lot of open ground for terrorist to just waltz in! Oh, that's right this admin lets them fly 1st class!
Don't forget new cell phones, credit cards, smokes, rest stops bus ride from panama to US/mexican border and of course our taxes paying for their first class tickets and no TSA checks of any kind.

I was watching "Redacted" on Rumble the other day and they were showing a person who is in the caravan video recording what he saw.
The UN is behind much of this and have set up various camps for them to rest and catch a bus.
He met many CCP who stayed in very nice locations. He noted, no one leaves china without permission.
He met many from middle east.

On the news the other day, they showed one criminal person who stated: "you will know who I am soon."

IMO the only plausible reason they are doing what they are doing to all of us is because they want to destroy all of us ❓
Don't forget new cell phones, credit cards, smokes, rest stops bus ride from panama to US/mexican border and of course our taxes paying for their first class tickets and no TSA checks of any kind.

I was watching "Redacted" on Rumble the other day and they were showing a person who is in the caravan video recording what he saw.
The UN is behind much of this and have set up various camps for them to rest and catch a bus.
He met many CCP who stayed in very nice locations. He noted, no one leaves china without permission.
He met many from middle east.

On the news the other day, they showed one criminal person who stated: "you will know who I am soon."

IMO the only plausible reason they are doing what they are doing to all of us is because they want to destroy all of us ❓
Some arms dealer that just got released from prison some where.
Exactly, the red states have overwhelming of all resources.
Also Cheyenne Mountain Complex in CO

The only unknown factor is active military and how that will split ❓
IMO, I think the majority of active military of each branch will support the "We the People" states❓

Maybe this is part of: Trust the Plan❓
Only time will tell❓
Texas is also a nuclear power; that is Pantex. The feds will want it back and could spur action by active duty forces.