
The New Mini 14


So, I've been in love with the stainless Mini with the side folding stock since I was five years old........
Today, I found the new release from Ruger.......

Guess I need to start buying Mini 14 magazines.......

CQB season is gonna be fun this year...
I love the mini’s. The older ones (AND the early AR’s) wouldn’t group in a bucket. The newer ones are pretty decent accuracy. I bought a new Ranch Rifle a few years ago. Off the bench I shot a 7/8’s group at 75yards (length of my homer range). I was very pleased. Since it’s dusted a few pasture poodles and ‘yotes. Longest to date was a ‘yote at 260 yards (measured by rangefinder. That’s about as good as this old man can shoot. (My first one -early 70’s- wouldn’t group in a barn door at 200 yards-‘course neither would my ColtAR triangle hand guard from the same period. Both got swapped for bolt guns that would shoot👍)
And today she's home.....
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The shop also had three blued Ruger OEM twenty round magazines, so I snagged them too.
So now I'm at an even dozen magazines for it.
Very nice, now you need this
