
Thunderbirds or Blue Angels ?

How do you know your airline flight pilot was ex-Navy? Hard landing with a turnoff at the first taxiway.
I grew up with NAS Memphis (Millington) just 20 minutes away. I've seen the Blue Angles a number of times. I always enjoyed their shows.
Yeah, you're right about them being hot shots. They do love hot and fast. One of my favorite tricks was when they would have 4 planes doing tricks in front of the crowd. Meanwhile #s 5 & 6 would sneak in really low and hot from behind the crowd and take everybody by surprise. Rattle your teeth right then and there. o_O
I've never seen the Thunderbirds in person. Only movies. :rolleyes:
I dunno. The Thunderbirds practiced here last year for about a month because we have the airspace. Two periods a day. It was fun.
we lived on NAS pensacola for 3 years
every wed. when they were in town we got a free airshow to practice the weekend show where ever they were going
IT WAS the shiiiiitttttt we stopped work and sat out on the flight line near our hangar
late when i was back at the school house playing dean of boys, i would take the students assigned to my area waiting for thier class to start up the to the air field and let them see the boys at work
this pic was taken a mere few weeks before all hell broke loose on 9/11