
What have you bought firearms related in the last 48 hours?

Couldn't pass up this thing either, hope it works good as my VR80' it looks well made. the dog liked it and it uses VR80 mags

My son & I have been in Rescue over 45 years, have our 12 & 13th dogs-only ones now. Chi mixes. Most expensive Vet bills were Heartworm Treatment and Dental's. Just switched them to Farmers Dogfood. Anyone with experience or thoughts on that? Current dogs are 9 & 8 lbs. Shepherds were 168. Pit Bull 70, even for 8 lb. dog pricey. Modern Sportsman made a special corner for Matt-(son) to sit and play with dogs-they bark if a page is turned at home but LOVE it at the loud range. Still looking for a Shiloh Shepherd for a Counterbalance dog for Matt. Snuggles to all "Fur Kids.)