Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “What Is .223 Wylde?” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/what-is-223-wylde/.

I looked into this when I purchased my first AR. The Ruger AR-556 (Sorry, Springfield) allowed both .223 and 5.56 to be run reliably. The "boutique" loadout of .223 Wilde wasn't really a thing yet - at least on my reading list - but I can absolutely appreciate the engineering that went into its development.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “What Is .223 Wylde?” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/what-is-223-wylde/.
Great article. I had been wondering about this subject for a long time. Too bad I cannot print it, my print preview only shows one page and that is a mess.
Thanks, works fine now. Much appreciated
The .222 Remington Magnum was initially offered as a benchrest round to offer enhanced 200-yard accuracy over the .222 Remington. The military grabbed the cartridge for testing. This led to development of the .223 Remington.Great article and very informative. You mentioned the .222 Magnum. I have a friend who has one and it's becoming very difficult to find ammunition. Can you comment on the .223 Wylde in relation to the .222 Magnum?