
Why Would You Want a 9mm Revolver

I'm considering the Ruger Blackhawk convertible .357/9mm to add some redundancy in the 9mm world.

I guess I disagree with the author since I see more restrictions coming in those Demo/Socialist states where like back in the old AWB days they can limit semi-auto mag capacities down to the level that revolvers have now, besides revolvers won the West.
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I had a 9mm revolver made by Taurus. My problem with ANY 9mm is that the moon clips that are needed are often very fragile and lose their shape after a few uses. I like the 9mm round but it's much more reliable in a pistol vs a revolver.
I have S&W 610 & 625s so I'm used to moon clips.

Pretty close to being as fast reloading as a semi-auto, and moon clips are cheaper than mags (1/3 to 1/4th the price of a good 1911 mag). Just not as easy to unload the empties but there are tools for that.
I probably would've been more interested in a 9mm revolver before 9mm ammo increased in price and became impossible to find. I can see the logic behind wanting to share ammo between multiple guns, but I've never minded having separate calibers. I get my ammo compatibility fix by sharing .357 mag and 38 Special ammo between my revolvers and leverguns.
I probably would've been more interested in a 9mm revolver before 9mm ammo increased in price and became impossible to find. I can see the logic behind wanting to share ammo between multiple guns, but I've never minded having separate calibers. I get my ammo compatibility fix by sharing .357 mag and 38 Special ammo between my revolvers and leverguns.
I could share 44spl with my 44mag, but nah!
I know that there are some pistols chambered in this cartridge, but as 357mag and 38spl for example? I guess if I had a 45-90, but not sure about compatibility? Revolvers are a possible chance, but rifles I don't know? The knowledge of Hans awaits. That is not a poke at you, but you do post some good info! You and some other members when it comes to cartridges, rifles and diagnosing are beyond me! My experience only comes from my on hand with the guns I own.
Checked out a RIA AL9.0 this morning.

Pretty nice small revolver. Solid, put together real nice, no machining marks on the exterior, finished nicely, and nice single & DA pulls.

Plus Super Beez moon clips are economical for it.

Still considering my options for a 9mm revolver but the AL 9.0 is $200 cheaper than a Blackhawk.
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There was a time when a 9mm snubbie that did not use moon clips appealed to me.
The problem I saw with a .38 snub as backup was carrying extra ammo for it.
A 9mm snub that didn't need moon clips could be reloaded by thumbing rounds out of a magazine. That way mags for your primary provided reloads for the snubbie should your primary go down.