Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Will You Be Able to Shoot in Time to Stop an Attack?” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/will-you-be-able-to-shoot-in-time-to-stop-an-attack/.

Yep...This is one of the reasons I really like pocket carrying a J-frame.
You put your hand in your pocket, and you’re ready to draw…without it being obvious.
Works better in the winter with a coat, but I’ve done it while wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt…
Yep. Dry fire training at home with a timer will clearly reveal where we are on the response curve. I practice my draw several times a day, usually with a garment clear involved. But even using my Mantis X system, drawing from an OWB holster, and getting a trigger pull on target using a random timer window is not as easy as most would believe.To me on this article, it all comes down to training with your gun, most under stress will likely freeze for a second or two, which could be disastrous, just my thoughts
This is why having some good hand to hand skills is also important. You might have to fight just to get to your gun. Or maybe the situation you are in hasn't risen to the level of using deadly force. If you're in that situation with no hand to hand training you could end up in a lot of trouble by using your firearm. If the only tool you have is a hammer then every problem is a nail.Once the physical battle is on the issue becomes a fight to avoid being disarmed and potential further harms, “…things might be very different for a police officer who knows that he is responding to potential danger versus an armed citizen who finds himself caught up in the middle of something…”
These days, danger should be considered on every corner thanks to the current social justice climate of lenient courts. Lawlessness is everywhere.
How some are conditioned to live; Nobody passerby gets an even break. Everyone is a potential crime suspect.
Nice fear system they created, huh? But just don’t go profile, label or criticize someone fresh out on no cash bail because that’s just not nice-nice… to be without inclusion, acceptance and tolerance.
I digress.
The article is a nice compliment to the earlier post from @Mike H. “The Art of One-Handed Shooting”, also from @Talyn posting about “Is Retention Shooting A Good Idea”.
Winter coming and always found Carhartt coats (and others) having the dual up/down front zipper handy for quick access to pants pockets and also seating comfort while driving.
Another option I recall, haven’t seen one lately is a tactical-type jacket with side panel zippers (to accommodate OWB holsters), this might be on longer length coats rather than jackets.
Cold hands, no gloves. Also an inside pocket with a clever flap or opening would be nice to allow access while hand is still in pocket.
I'm like you the mag/light holder looks good. Would like to know where I can purchase oneThe mag/light holder is an interesting style. Any more info on it?