
Wyatt Earp Was Right: Shot Placement Is Key

Just helping a new CCW permit out, that might take what they read here as far as pointing there handgun at anybody out so they don't end up in jail.

I always cringe a little when I hear the statistics from John Lott and others about how many times every year a crime is prevented merely by the "Victim" presenting a firearm and not actually using it. I suppose it is effective, particularly for women and the more vulnerable of our population, but it goes against what I was trained/taught to think or do by my old man since long before I was old enough to even drive a car or legally possess a gun. I can still hear the old man's words. "Never pull a gun to scare someone and never shoot to wound someone."

Years back my sister, after her second divorce, bought a house for her and her young daughter to live in. My dad gave her a .38 caliber Colt revolver for protection. My sister was never into guns and was never trained to shoot one and had likely never fired one at the time. One night something happened out front of her house that obviously scared her and she retrieved the gun and fired it into the ground to scare someone off. It worked I guess, but when my dad found out about it he took his gun back from her.

If I pull a gun out it's because my options have been exhausted and I have already decided to neutralize the threat in the most immediate way possible.
For the record. The state was Arizona on a dark night somewhere around midnight. The wife parked away from the store entrance as she was told to do. She was partway across the huge, empty parking lot when a carload of guys pulled up, cutting off her path to the store. One of the occupants asked for directions and the 4-5 began to get out of the vehicle and advance on her. She advised them repeatedly to get back in the car and emphasized it when she pulled her snubbie and pointed it at them. Upon reflection, the group got back in the car and drove off. My wife told another worked what happened after he noticed she was upset. She declined to call police because of her lack of a concealed carry permit and the store's policy of no weapons on the premises.
I understand some would prosecute my wife, but many others would applaud her actions and not judge her actions harshly. I'm glad she had the gun at the time and her handling of this stressful situation. We'll never know what these guys were thinking, but they decided it was more important to leave than ..............................
How does all this spray and pray nonsense fall in with all the people that are talking about "3 shots at 3 yards in 3 seconds"?

Who are all these people that are planning to empty their magazine and hope one of the 15 or 20 gets a hit?

Have you ever actually heard somebody claim that on an internet form?
same ones who go to the range and do “Mag dumps”, get groups that appear to be shotgun patterns, and can’t consistently put a controlled pair on target at 7 yards. We’ve all seen them. I think it’s a result of the movies where massive numbers of rounds are fired (and the military which uses massive amounts of small caliber to “fix” an enemy so arty or air can thump them.). I’ve nothing against carrying high cap pistols IF the carrier can actually HIT with them.
The same ones who go to the range and do “Mag dumps”, get groups that appear to be shotgun patterns, and can’t consistently put a controlled pair on target at 7 yards. We’ve all seen them.
I see them but they don't really have any effect on me so I generally ignore them.
I’ve nothing against carrying high cap pistols IF the carrier can actually HIT with them.
I don't like the term "High Cap" it's right up there with "Weapons of War"

Other than that I don't care what other people do as long as it doesn't affect me.

The overwhelming majority will never fire the first round off of the range.

I don't care if they carry an M3 Grease Gun.
The key word is life is in danger. Sure, if someone is approaching with a weapon and is close enough to cause death to you or a person, deadly force is authorized. Just brandishing a firearm at a group of people " you might think" will cause harm is illegal. Sending a carload of guys on their way, by brandishing a firearm, is irresponsible and could result in jail time,if one in that group wanted to press charges, especially if no one in the group had made an attempt to cause you to pull your handgun. In the law enforcement training I have been involved with, the number one rule is the gun does not come out of the holster unless you're sure someone could die.
It all depends on how the report is written!