
Black Rifle Coffee


Founding Member
The Wonderful One surprised me yesterday with an unusual bag of beans, Black Rifle "Just Black" varietal. She reported it was displayed at reduced price. My unofficial Coffee Snob rating is 4.0. Unimpressive, and not a repeat. I found it a bit curious the beans were unsourced. Also, remembering posts of late last year make the company personally unappealing.
The Wonderful One surprised me yesterday with an unusual bag of beans, Black Rifle "Just Black" varietal. She reported it was displayed at reduced price. My unofficial Coffee Snob rating is 4.0. Unimpressive, and not a repeat. I found it a bit curious the beans were unsourced. Also, remembering posts of late last year make the company personally unappealing.
I have noticed a lot of companies slapping catchy and bada$$ names to their beans lately, but they are rarely "outstanding". Most I have tried have surprisingly little flavor. I drink it black, so it has to stand alone in its wonderfulness for me. The best cup I have had in a while was at a local restaurant. Tasted like the beans used to smell at the grocery stores bean grinders when I was a kid. I didn't ask the brand, but it was probably nondescript. My pallet is not as refined as yours, I'm sure :)
I have noticed a lot of companies slapping catchy and bada$$ names to their beans lately, but they are rarely "outstanding". Most I have tried have surprisingly little flavor. I drink it black, so it has to stand alone in its wonderfulness for me. The best cup I have had in a while was at a local restaurant. Tasted like the beans used to smell at the grocery stores bean grinders when I was a kid. I didn't ask the brand, but it was probably nondescript. My pallet is not as refined as yours, I'm sure :)
Goodness gracious, my Belle, are we ever similar! Cheers!
Well pregound coffee goes stale very fast I understand, not being much of a coffee drinker I can't tell. I grind beans for my wife who is. Pepper and spices are the same way, once ground and they released thier oils they spoil fast.

Salt on the other hand is basically a rock. And lasts forever. This allows for different grinds for different uses like Kosher salt which is courser ground, pickling salts, finishing salts, fine table salt, smoked sea salts. Flake or chunk size to begin with matters not at all thr flavor stays the same. Just use as you desire. We have both preground and salt grinders.
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No coffee snob here, I just like decent tasting, black coffee. My wife and I laugh at the folks in line waiting to get theirs at a drive through for $5 a pop or more (heavily sugared). My taste buds couldn't tell if the beans were from the Mideast, Hawaii or Brazil.
I decided to switch to black coffee a few months back after my wife told me that I was using a gallon of sweet creamer a month. I told her if I go black then I am going all in with fresh ground coffee, so she bought me a new coffee pot and grinder. She also found some coffee that we both like.

Starbucks Medium Roast Whole Bean Coffee — Breakfast Blend — 100% Arabica — 1 bag (18 oz) https://a.co/d/4PvWRtv
Preference is paramount, is what matters mostly. Whole bean only for us, though. My wife, the chef, will not allow pre-ground coffee in the door, any more than allow pre-ground pepper, salt, etc.
we have a coffee grinder, but it is a gigantic PITA to grind our own coffee....

so up on the shelf it sits as a kitchen ornament.
No coffee snob here, I just like decent tasting, black coffee. My wife and I laugh at the folks in line waiting to get theirs at a drive through for $5 a pop or more (heavily sugared). My taste buds couldn't tell if the beans were from the Mideast, Hawaii or Brazil.
i have never been to a stargazer coffee shop.

we will not spend copious amounts on coffee, which amounts to no more than "rental property" for only a few hours each day, and gets deposited into the porcelain receptacle.
I cant drink coffee. Tried everything from $$$$ to $ and every additive, sweetener, cream combination to man. Dont like it .
Crazy thing is I love chocolate covered espresso beans and keep a bag of them at work and eat some daily.
Even tried a cup of nice Joe at work after eating the choco beans from a coffee snob next office to mine and still couldnt drink the coffee.
Weird l, but that’s me 😜