
confused and need help

i love new cars...i love new guns....

i HATE new digital crappola...

i went and got a new digital camera, really expensive too at $60 from Amazon..

the clarity of my old digital camera just wasn't making the grade anymore.

well yesterday, and again today, i am trying to get this %$#*&**@^^&@!!! THING TO WORK..!!!!!!

my pc, which is old, will not "recognize" this new camera.

as a result, i have to remove the memory card, insert that into my pc, and download it, then go to google pics, and upload it..what a ROYAL PITA......!!!

i wanted to take another pic, regarding the MIL SPEC or is it an A1 from SA that i have..??

well, i THOUGHT i was taking some pics, come to find out, i was making a **&^^%^&^$#$ MOVIE.....!!!!!!

so, enjoy my **&&%^$#$@$% MOVIE, of the dang box that now, CLEARY shows that my A1 is a MIL SPEC.....


i love new cars...i love new guns....

i HATE new digital crappola...

i went and got a new digital camera, really expensive too at $60 from Amazon..

the clarity of my old digital camera just wasn't making the grade anymore.

well yesterday, and again today, i am trying to get this %$#*&**@^^&@!!! THING TO WORK..!!!!!!

my pc, which is old, will not "recognize" this new camera.

as a result, i have to remove the memory card, insert that into my pc, and download it, then go to google pics, and upload it..what a ROYAL PITA......!!!

i wanted to take another pic, regarding the MIL SPEC or is it an A1 from SA that i have..??

well, i THOUGHT i was taking some pics, come to find out, i was making a **&^^%^&^$#$ MOVIE.....!!!!!!

so, enjoy my **&&%^$#$@$% MOVIE, of the dang box that now, CLEARY shows that my A1 is a MIL SPEC.....


Your inadvertent making of a home movie scares me of the content 🫣🫣🫣😜😜😜
It's a G00gle photos issue, you can see your pictures when logged on to G00GLE but no one else can use that link to see them, until you create a "shared link" to allow others to see them :)
but, i have been using the Google photos program(??) for a long time now, and all the pics i had posted previously, have posted here and on other sites.

i'll keep trying.
If you want something pretty much pure GI 1911A1, see if you can find an unmolested Norinco 1911.

They’re actually very well made pistols, considering.
Mine was great for 500 rds! Then it started rattling like a folgers can half full of marbles. Hammer started following the slide back down. Traded it in on a HK USP 45, traded that in for a Kimber classic when Kimber hit the market. Love the Kimber, I wish I still had the HK still.