
Daffy Zone…..

Yes, I recognize there are some legitimate needs for more than one phone for some folks, I was one but I was in my 40's and later till retirement, but I was referring primarily to the younger ones ... like high schoolers and young adults, most of whom are too young to be employed to that level. I'm talking about those with the big, heavy gold chains around their necks, wearing designer jeans and multi hundred dollar sneakers, those still living at home with mom/dad. Those who claim they can't make ends meet with entry level jobs/job skills when the fact is they don't even have any ends to meet. Those who claim it's not fair for them to be required to take a minimum wage job because it doesn't leave them any time to socialize, yet will stay in a line all the way around a city block all night long to be assured of getting one of the newest, latest models of cell phones when they just paid $1,000 for the one they got last year! That's the ones I'm referring to.

And yes, I've seen it up close and I'm angry about it.
LOL! LOL! When that word gets out it'll be Katey, bar the door! At today's avg 'bright' copper scrap prices that's almost $20 a pop! I can think of many who would not want to pass that up. And not that I would know, but I would think a battery operated re-cip saw would make short work out of that mounting. Hell, while at it, why not go ahead and take the post too, that's clean aluminum. The whole package ought to be around $25-$28 dollars. ;)

Boy I'm glad I'm already retired or that might be tempting. Besides being already retired, I'm just too damned old and tired to bother with it!!! :sleep: