
FlipDot Optic on a Hellcat?


I was thinking of picking up an inexpensive FlipDot Optic (see, e.g. https://www.ncstar.com/optics-acc/reflex-optics/micro-dot/vdflipglom2-flip-dot-mod2glock-mosadptr ) for use with my Hellcat OSP.

They are designed for a Glock, but it is supposed to have adapters and plates for "MOS" "Dovetail" "RMR" and "picatinny/weaver" rail mounts. I don't know exactly what all of that means, and it says if you are putting it on a gun that is not a Glock to contact the gun manufacturer for mounting screws that will work with the optic. I called Springfield support, and they told me they did have some different screws, but had no way of knowing what I need.

So my questions are:

1. Has anyone used a FlipDot Optic? What do you think of it? I like the idea of the lower profile when folded down, but I wonder if it could develop issues over time with the hinge, cover the back sights (I would prefer an optic that could co-witness with the standard sights), or generally be inferior to other sights.

2. Does anyone know whether it can be installed on a Hellcat OSP with minimal modifications? I don't want to have to file or change the slide, but if it is simply a matter of different screws, I could make that work.

3. Does anyone know what installation screws specifically I would need?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Hmmm first time seeing it, pretty sure you would be blazing into uncharted territory.