
GOA Needs Our Help In Pushing Petition Again


GOA needs our help to sign petition to make our voices heard against HR 1620. Petition below:
We have to keep fighting.​
After passing two radically anti-gun bills last week, Pelosi’s House is now trying to jam RED FLAG GUN GRABS into the Violence Against Women Act’s 2021 reauthorization this Wednesday.​
8 Republicans already stabbed gun owners in the back last week when they joined anti-gunners in voting for H.R. 8, which would pave the way for a national registry.​
That’s why I need you to immediately alert YOUR representative to STRIKE DOWN this Red Flag Gun Grab sponsored by rabid anti-gunner, Sheila Jackson Lee.
NOTE: To maximize the effectiveness of your grassroots outreach, we have written separate letters to Democrat and Republican members of Congress.
Sheila Jackson Lee’s bill would broadly expand the category of persons prohibited from possessing firearms.​
For instance, Sections 801 and 802 prohibit anyone convicted of a “Misdemeanor Crime of Stalking” to become subjected to Red Flag Gun Grabs and essentially lose their 2A rights.​
But, pursuant to the Pet and Women Safety Act, ANYONE can be prosecuted for a Misdemeanor Crime of Stalking, for causing “fear of the death of or serious bodily injury to […] a pet, a service animal, an emotional support animal, or a horse.”​
Additionally, H.R. 1620 provides federal funding and assistance for increased gun confiscation.​
Our country’s brand new anti-gun Attorney General, Merrick Garland, would have the power to appoint and deputize local governments to facilitate increased gun confiscation.​
No one should be surprised that Democrats are trying to hide Red Flag Gun Grabs in a bill called the “Violence Against Women Act.” This is exactly how tyrants operate.​
Anti-gunners hide their assaults on our rights behind names like the “Violence Against Women Act” so that they can slander anyone who votes against this bill as a supposed ‘enabler of violence against women.’
But, as we all know, disarming women is the surest way to increase violence against them.
After 8 so-called “pro-gun” Republicans voted for Pelosi’s gun grab last week, we need to turn up the heat on Congress to ensure they don’t pass the Red Flag Gun Grabs hidden within H.R. 1620.​
In Liberty,​
Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America​
