
good day at the range


i tried searching for a thread specific to target practice, but could not find one.??

anyway, i was supposed to go and buy some lumber today and start repairs on my porch decking.

but it started to rain, so i went to the range instead.

i took my CZ 75B, and 50 rnds, factory S&B FMJ 124 gr.

i did have one very bad low shot, which i point out with the arrow.....

i tried searching for a thread specific to target practice, but could not find one.??

anyway, i was supposed to go and buy some lumber today and start repairs on my porch decking.

but it started to rain, so i went to the range instead.

i took my CZ 75B, and 50 rnds, factory S&B FMJ 124 gr.

i did have one very bad low shot, which i point out with the arrow.....

View attachment 19655
Nice, yea, there needs to be a target thread for members to post theres.
i tried searching for a thread specific to target practice, but could not find one.??

anyway, i was supposed to go and buy some lumber today and start repairs on my porch decking.

but it started to rain, so i went to the range instead.

i took my CZ 75B, and 50 rnds, factory S&B FMJ 124 gr.

i did have one very bad low shot, which i point out with the arrow.....

View attachment 19655
A groin shot incapacitates as well… bad way to get shot… 😉😉
Just saying 😁
i had another good day at the range this morning.

i took my Dan Wesson Heritage 1911

this is 50 rnds, reloaded, round nose ammo.

i can only "surmise" 230 grain, and being reloaded ammo, smokey as all hell....

25 feet away, so roughly 8.3 yards away (the gun club goes by footage, the public range goes by yards on thier machine)

1 flier.

i had another good day at the range this morning.

i took my Dan Wesson Heritage 1911

this is 50 rnds, reloaded, round nose ammo.

i can only "surmise" 230 grain, and being reloaded ammo, smokey as all hell....

25 feet away, so roughly 8.3 yards away (the gun club goes by footage, the public range goes by yards on thier machine)

1 flier.

View attachment 19957
Nice very nice target. The 1 flyer, just call it an oiler shot….meaning that shot was just to clean all the oil out of the barrel…
Nice very nice target. The 1 flyer, just call it an oiler shot….meaning that shot was just to clean all the oil out of the barrel…
now that you mention it, from day 1, when i started, and watched a few videos, it was recommended to give the barrel a light coat of oil.

being that the number of guns that i own, and the rotation they are in (this gun had not been shot since the end of April). that light oiling kept it clean.....

so yeah, it was the oiler shot.......😁
Went to the indoor range yesterday reading your posts. Got the itch. Apparently I get the itch weekly 😆

sighted in a suppressed SBR with some heavier grain ammo. Need that perfect combo for grain - sbr barrel length - suppressor .
Tried 6 diff ammo brands/grain

found 75-77grain was what my gun liked the best. 25 yrd. I want to be low

(I’m not the steadiest hand, so I consider 1-2” spread on rifles a win for me)
Went to the indoor range yesterday reading your posts. Got the itch. Apparently I get the itch weekly 😆

sighted in a suppressed SBR with some heavier grain ammo. Need that perfect combo for grain - sbr barrel length - suppressor .
Tried 6 diff ammo brands/grain

found 75-77grain was what my gun liked the best. 25 yrd. I want to be low

(I’m not the steadiest hand, so I consider 1-2” spread on rifles a win for me)View attachment 19973View attachment 19974


but now I’m jealous… :/
i :love: all my 1911's, from the inexpensive Tisas G'ment model, to the higher dollar Dan Wesson's, to my most expensive, revolver the Korth Mongoose 6" barrel, 357/38 special.....

i was actually talking to an acquaintance this morning in fact about my "gun collection"..

he said how many guns do you need?

he went on to say, you have 1- 9MM, 1-38, 1-45.....

i said it's like this, people "collect" baseball cards, baseball caps, beer steins, comic books, etc,etc.

it's just another "collectable thing" for some of us.

many things that are "collectable", either hold thier value, or increase in value as they age, we have all seen older Colts, go for big dollars.

i sorta liken the gun collection(s) of mine, to like riding/owning a Harley Davidson...sure it's a bike, an expensive one, but if it has to be explained, no one would ever "get it"

for the record, i never owned nor ridden a Harley, i don't have that kind of wallet.
well, today i took my Ruger GP 100, 2.5" barrel 7 rnds, to the range. last week, i had to adjust the sights. today, if i did not shoot better than last week, i was going to clean, lube then sell the gun.

one of the RSO's that has known me for the past year or so, took to the target himself, to see how good a job i did, adjusting the sights. he actually used a bench rest.....i stood up.

i never had to adjust sights before, and if you have, you know how frustrating it can be.

well, the RSO, got a bull's eye, then 2 other shots, close to that.

the target i am posting, was done at 7 yds, 357 magnum reloads, and 50 rds.

i actually did better than last week.(i did not adjust the sights today)

but, all my guns, the semi-automatics, and revolvers are in "rotation" to get to the range, and out of 22 guns, only 4 are revolvers, so the rotation takes a while until i practice with any of them. and only the Ruger is a short barrel, the others are 6".

i do like this Ruger, GP 100, 2.5" barrel, and i think i want to now get a nice leather holster, for another ccw.
