
How dirty do you let your guns get?

While I usually clean my guns after each trip to the range, if I know I am shooting again in a few days, I may skip it, and I have yet to have any failures related to a dirty weapon. Granted I only put 300 to 500 rounds down range most times I shoot, so its not enough buildup to make my XDM's, my Ruger's or S&W's fail after just that many rounds.

When it comes time to clean, I too got banished from the house if using Hoppes, but find that I like Ballistol best anyway, after hearing about it through Hickok45. That said, I got tired of doing it on the kitchen table or coffee table, so just go out and stand at my workbench in the garage when working on or cleaning the guns.
My dogs don't care where I clean the guns.

My ex-wife used to get mad at me when I cleaned automotive parts in the dishwasher. Meh. I bought the dishwasher, if I need to clean parts in it, I will. Grease is grease - turkey, chicken, beef...or Dodge. It all washes off the same.
If my EDC Glock 32 is going to be fired that day it goes in to the range
bag and the Glock 23 in SIG is the carry for the day.
I like to go the range every weekday but that doesn't always work out. I'll
swab out the pipe and do the big cleaning the end of the week.
Cleaning gives me something to do while the brass is churning.
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I usually clean my Handguns when I return home from the range. I find it therapeutic and want to make sure they are clean if I need them. That being said I failed at that with my AR10 308 and took it out shooting without cleaning or oiling it and had a minor failure that I blame on myself. That won’t happen again.
I live in an apartment so I clean at the dining room table. My girlfriend doesn’t complain and she knows she can’t since it’s my table. 😁 I do use 4 heavy towels to cover it up. My cleaning supplies are
Hoppes black.
Not sure I’d put greasy car parts in the dishwasher though.