
Kooky fake bank texts


Guys n Gals,
I rec’d this text message (see pic) just a bit ago. Thought I’d post as a caution.

I do NOT have a bank of America account. If I ever did, it was perhaps a car financing years ago (which got refinanced to another lender).
Note the spelling of the first “Acount” in their name. Of course I haven’t and won’t open the link.
Be cautious!


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I get those all the from Chase and Bank of America, don’t have an account in either.

I also get text’s saying thanks for your payment here’s a reward for paying on time.

Another one I receive is you’ve over payed on your electric bill (last month) click here for a $647.00 refund.
That’s a funny one since my electric bill is never over $90.00
Let me see, I get emails from Amazon, PayPal, Geek squad 2 or 3 times a week, sad thing is I don’t have any of these accounts, never did….. keeps saying charges were made to your debit card, guess what, I don’t have one…….😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😬

Just have to be very cautious these days and definitely don’t open any of the links they send
the Mrs. and i have like 4 different banks we do business with. we never got any such messages, texts, or emails, or even a snail mail letter.

but if we ever did..??

we or just me, would be a the bank's front door minutes before opening time, to sit down and find out what's going on.

i tell all my kids, and grand kids, to NEVER open ANY email's with misspelled names, or if you don't even recall the place or the person it came from.

but then they alway say to me..."dad (or pops) WE KNOW THIS"........lol
Uh huh! And don't even get me started on those annoying phone calls asking you about "your car's extended warranty"!
1) I drive a truck
2) I've never bought a brand-new anything. I prefer lightly used stuff.


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