
Over rated firearms

Ok, you had to go there didn’t ya……😬😬

Minion version of Han’s falling off the Nakatomi building…….😵😵
Perfect example of when I am looking to purchase I put exactly zero interest in so called experts videos and print.
I listen to forum members who actually use their firearms without compensation.
Never had buyers remorse yet...

I just tend to buy something that interests me and make up my own mind…if I don’t like it? I tend to have a shooting buddy that will.
I don't believe that any reliable firearm can ever be "overrated". Individual shooters base their firearm preferences, at least in-part, on their own individual physical traits and personal tastes. Since no gun fits everyone's hand the same, a gun that you find to have very mild recoil may very well be difficult for another shooter to control. Sights that are clearly visible to a 35 year-old shooter may be nothing but a blur to a 65 year-old shooter. As long as a gun fires when the trigger is pulled, and doesn't fire when the trigger has not been pulled, I consider it to be a decent firearm. The rest is merely a matter of personal preference and tastes.

The question that this video does a good job of indirectly addressing is what guns have the most annoying fans. I need to like my guns, and I hope that you like your guns. What bothers me is when fans of one company or platform loudly demand that I (and everyone else) must also love a particular gun/platform. I personally believe that all reliable guns are good; it's people's opinions of what others should like that are overrated (including my own).