
Restraining Device


Master Class
Are handcuffs and a First Aid kit part of your EDC gear? I am fortunate enough to be allowed to posses handcuffs due to my employment. Cuffs are great to have when SHTF. Took a Stop the Bleeding class a few years ago and they said one of the places I should bring my First Aid Kit was the Range. Made sense to me.


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Same with first aid kits, and I always have a blowout kit when I got the range.

But cuffs? Nope. I’m not a wannabe cop.
I'm not saying I would ever carry them, but I could see where they might come in handy in some situations. For example a home invasion where you incapacitate the boogeyman and don't feel the need to kill him. Restraining him until the police come would be a thing wouldn't it ?

I was going to buy some pink fuzzy ones for my wife. :unsure::LOL:
I have an extensive first aid kit in my truck and one even larger in my apartment.

Hand cuffs…….. No and won’t.

Bad idea.
End of discussion
If you are not law enforcement , have fun with the lawyers in court that you handcuffed someone in an altercation.
Whole new Pandora’s box unless it was consensual, and handcuffs are not consensual unless you both like the kinky
I’ve been in some form of LE since 1986. While some would respect you trying to help I recommend against it in anything but an extreme circumstance.

It could be frowned upon by a prosecutor in the person didn’t have a way to exit and the whole criminal confinement could be an issue.

Just something to consider but you can Do whatever your career and bank account can handle!
I'm not saying I would ever carry them, but I could see where they might come in handy in some situations. For example a home invasion where you incapacitate the boogeyman and don't feel the need to kill him. Restraining him until the police come would be a thing wouldn't it ?

I was going to buy some pink fuzzy ones for my wife. :unsure::LOL:
A) shoot the boogeyman.
B) you wont look good in pink handcuffs on the front lawn with the wife laughing at your attempt of “fun” 😜
I'm not saying I would ever carry them, but I could see where they might come in handy in some situations. For example a home invasion where you incapacitate the boogeyman and don't feel the need to kill him. Restraining him until the police come would be a thing wouldn't it ?

I was going to buy some pink fuzzy ones for my wife. :unsure::LOL:
Nope; at most, I prone them. If they want to leave…they can leave. If they want to continue to be…belligerent…escalate as necessary.

But cuffing someone? It’s an easy way to get a charge of illegal confinement.

After those good ol’ boys in Georgia chased that guy down & murdered him claiming “citizens arrest”…that’s not something I’m gonna go near.
Nope; at most, I prone them. If they want to leave…they can leave. If they want to continue to be…belligerent…escalate as necessary.

But cuffing someone? It’s an easy way to get a charge of illegal confinement.

After those good ol’ boys in Georgia chased that guy down & murdered him claiming “citizens arrest”…that’s not something I’m gonna go near.
Good point. Except I ain't letting anyone leave until the cops get there.
The issue is if they are fleeing and the threat is over would anything then be considered “Reasonable Force”?

I won’t even get into muzzling anyone with a loaded firearm.
Fair point. I suppose if there was a home invasion and the perp fled once he saw me, it's not like I'm going to kill him unnecessarily. The fact is though, assuming I hear the break in, which is almost a certainty, I am going to be holed up in a room with my wife and a gun. If he opens the door he's most likely getting shot.