
Rhode Island joins the 10 round cap club

What a disgrace. A judge isn't a public safety manager. He is suppose to uphold the constitutions and make sure laws are fair. His ramblings about "this is to save future victims" is a mass of hot wind. Nothing but the typical spineless white flag thrown up as a virtue signal to the weak of mind and spirit.

Waiting for @Old_Me to chime in on this.
we just finished our supper (yes, we eat at about 4PM), and now i want to throw up.

i am sure this will go to the next level in the court system, as the judge clearly disregarded the Bruen(sp??) decision, regarding 2A rights..

for what i also know about the judge, he is an Obama appointee, so as we all know, that means as liberal and anti 2A as all get out.
What a disgrace. A judge isn't a public safety manager. He is suppose to uphold the constitutions and make sure laws are fair. His ramblings about "this is to save future victims" is a mass of hot wind. Nothing but the typical spineless white flag thrown up as a virtue signal to the weak of mind and spirit.
Seriously what do you expect it’s a New England state bordering Connecticut and Massachusetts.
hopefully if not this first group of plaintiffs, but another group with plaintiffs will petition the next court.

there is a law firm here in my city, that "some" of the attorneys are gun owners, i am really surprised they were not the firm to present this case. i had called and told them i will sign anything for them to take as a plaintiff.. i was never contacted however.
i had also months ago, anticipated something like this happening. i went ahead and bought all new magazines for my 9mm guns, as there was such a back ordering/backlog of those magazine blocks. thankfully, i have a couple of guns (my Hellcat for 1) that comes with 2- 10 round mags. so my cash outlay, was not as much as say a person with many more 9 mm's, 40mm, 10mm's, etc.

the "bulk" of my collection is 1911's and as well all know, that's already an 8 round mag

the reason the long backorder/backlog of those mag blocks, is the many other states with magazine caps going into effect.
“…which on Sunday will make possession of a large capacity gun magazine a felony in Rhode Island.”

This is the national bleeding heart trend, IL is next up.
They‘re lumping this felony charge on the same statute as a Criminal possession weapon use offenses. These lawmakers are not only ignorant, they’re going to make their examples on the law abiding citizens rather than the criminals using the outlawed weapons during their violent offenses, which as thugs, are protected by all sorts of justice reforms flouting these stupid bans and restrictions.

How long till the tin hat folks get to say "I told ya so."?
“…which on Sunday will make possession of a large capacity gun magazine a felony in Rhode Island.”

This is the national bleeding heart trend, IL is next up.
They‘re lumping this felony charge on the same statute as a Criminal possession weapon use offenses. These lawmakers are not only ignorant, they’re going to make their examples on the law abiding citizens rather than the criminals using the outlawed weapons during their violent offenses, which as thugs, are protected by all sorts of justice reforms flouting these stupid bans and restrictions.
and the worse part is the light jail times they get due to those bleeding hearts.. all the while thier victims either lay 6 feet in the ground, or are crippled for life.

and equally sickening is the fact that the police can have as many round capacity mages they want...even RETIRED COPS (here) all cuz they are/were cops..i have been not only to the public range, but my club and have SEEN many cops try and shoot the targets...and i can assure you...

they shoot like 1st timers.........(all over the place)

all the while, the people like me go weekly, sometime several times a week to practice and get/become proficient in our skills.
“…which on Sunday will make possession of a large capacity gun magazine a felony in Rhode Island.”

This is the national bleeding heart trend, IL is next up.
They‘re lumping this felony charge on the same statute as a Criminal possession weapon use offenses. These lawmakers are not only ignorant, they’re going to make their examples on the law abiding citizens rather than the criminals using the outlawed weapons during their violent offenses, which as thugs, are protected by all sorts of justice reforms flouting these stupid bans and restrictions.
well, here is "another way" to look at things..

as many good intentioned citizens many of us have the legal right to carry, either open or concealed...

if we were to "see" one of those legislators say at a public place like the mall, or a restaurant, or anyplace else, become a victim of a crime..??

well then, as long as the thug(s) are NOT attacking me or my family, then i think, "just walking on by" is what we should all do....

let the moronic legislatures suffer from thier doings.

it ain't like those legislatures are unknown, thier faces are plastered all over the place.
funny...it's on tonight's news right now...the ACLU is going to defend the homeless encampment at the state house grounds. saying they have the right to stay out in the sub zero temps, and the governor cannot make them move...cuz it's a violation of thier rights.

and they are "concerned" about "increased privacy" with more traffic cameras coming soon....

where are our rights..??

regarding unjustly seizing our belongings..????

the ACLU, the organization that picks and chooses, who to be a hero for.
It seems now in this country you must be a felon to "have" rights. Our country is completely upsidedown.
They are more than likely going to pass a very restrictive firearms law here in Illinois, that will force law abiding citizens to "register" with the State Police. Meanwhile Chicago lawlessness goes unabated. Pretty soon our country going to be segregated like it was before the civil war. Instead of slaves and non-slaves this time it'll be the part of the country that allows firearm rights against those that don't.
It seems now in this country you must be a felon to "have" rights. Our country is completely upsidedown.
They are more than likely going to pass a very restrictive firearms law here in Illinois, that will force law abiding citizens to "register" with the State Police. Meanwhile Chicago lawlessness goes unabated. Pretty soon our country going to be segregated like it was before the civil war. Instead of slaves and non-slaves this time it'll be the part of the country that allows firearm rights against those that don't.
as Colion Noir says on his You Tube channel....."it's all about control" ... "they cannot control the criminals, but they can control the law abiding citizens".
There is absolutely no ignorance existing here on the left. It is done with purpose and intent, with a long-term plan, and they are proceeding faster than even they thought possible. Saying politicians are ignorant about any of this issue is disingenuous. They know exactly what they are doing and why. And judges have been political since the dawn of time...

The only ignorance is with the sheeple.
There is absolutely no ignorance existing here on the left. It is done with purpose and intent, with a long-term plan, and they are proceeding faster than even they thought possible. Saying politicians are ignorant about any of this issue is disingenuous. They know exactly what they are doing and why. And judges have been political since the dawn of time...

The only ignorance is with the sheeple.
and that purpose is to control
Please keep us informed on how this pans out. What comes to mind is my WWII HP with 2 large capacity mags they are original to the pistol. A ten round after-market mag would cause considerable loss in valve. I bet a lot of PVC pipe will be sold in Rhode Island in the next few days. You can bet that Donald Fox will by high on the authorities list of people to visit with search warrant in hand.