
Solar Eclipse…..

How many are tired of hearing/seeing this on tv, Weather Channel is going ballistic over this and so are a few others, it’s nothing new, happens every few years, actually who gives a rats azz…..sheeessh, people need to get a life…..
i'm with you buddy, but you said is rather nicely...

if i had said something, all anyone would see is, $#^&#%...God #%%$%, F****##G P***Heads, gonna ruin my F********G day..????

carry on..........

I was gonna make a thread about this last night and thought they gonna think i'm an old grouch. lol were in the path of totality and there are a slew of extra people here from all over the country. yeah, i'll be glad when it's over and all these people go home. tired of hearing about it too.

I've always been an outer space/science fiction/astro-nut that enjoys the wonders of this universe. I was seriously considering driving four hours to Indianapolis to observe the totality. I've never experienced one. But, alas, I gotta gig on Monday. I think there's supposed to be about 90% coverage here. Close enough. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,

We're not far from real close to totality. My wife is driving down to her aunt's land a couple hours south of here with my buddy's wife and daughter. I will be working. So at least I'll get a break that day. Only about 4 minutes, but I'll take them where I can get them.
Its a rare astronomical event. That makes it special. How many people can say they've seen one? For many, a once in a lifetime opportunity.
But, like many of you, I can't see driving for hours and spending a small fortune for the experience. But that's just me. Apparently a whole lot of folks think its worth it. More power to 'em. ;)
Here in SW Tennessee, we're gonna have about 95% coverage. I'm just gonna sit in the back yard, relax and take it in.
You forget your meds again??????
What are you talking about? I take just about whatever meds I can get my hands on! Why just last night me and the Beatles and that Gilmour dude from Pink Floyd were enjoying some Hindu Kush. I was gonna invite you but Lennon said he wear no shoeshine, he got toe-jam football. He got monkey finger, he shoot coca-cola. So we called @Bassbob instead but he was busy in the basement cleaning his shotguns and @KillerFord1977 was off in the woods striking fear in the hearts of turkeys and then Jimi showed up with some Purple Haze and I don’t remember much after that.