
Do you ever just want to give up?

Belt Fed

Life is tough and i am very sorry for even posting this but i need to vent or something.

My poor wife has dementia pretty bad, i have to do everything, yesterday i found out i need knee surgery and it's scheduled for April 12th. and today i took my poor old dog to the vet and she has heartworms. if i would have kept her on the heartworm meds in the winter she would be fine. it's my fault. so she has to take all these treatments and her age they may not be able to do it.

Think i'm going to ask the doc if he can keep me knocked out until the world is a better place. but i gotta keep goin, i made a vow 40 years ago to my wife, for better or for worse or until death do us part and by gosh i'm keein that vow.. gotta keep strong for my dog too. all these meds we take are going to run together. my minds not sharp as it used to be.

Thanks for reading and again i apologize, i know i shouldn't even burdon anyone. i'm gonna keep the kids and grandkids busy while i'm down with the knee.
No need to apologize. We all feel the weight of the world at times. You will be okay. You will be there to care for your wife. You can only your best for you old dog. They are more resilient than you think. You will bounce back from your knee surgery quicker than you think. I hope you have people to help you get through this next few months.
You always have this ragtag crew to vent to.
I have you in my prayers tonight. You will be okay.
You are correct life is not easy but... you just have to keep putting your best forward everyday. Don't blame yourself, it happens. All you can do is try to do your best-thats it. In the end i'm sure everything will work out. If you ever need to talk please PM me or just air out here. We are all adults and understand how life goes. Sometimes it ain't all roses and don't apologize, trust me most of us do understand. Take care
Yah, lotta days I wanna just give up, but I have to remember that most of the stuff that annoys me (and it always seems to happen five or six things in a row) doesn't amount to a pinch of zhit in the grand scheme of things; that overall I've been VERY blessed and I have to thank God (again) for all the good things in my life--past, present, and future.
Life is tough and i am very sorry for even posting this but i need to vent or something.

My poor wife has dementia pretty bad, i have to do everything, yesterday i found out i need knee surgery and it's scheduled for April 12th. and today i took my poor old dog to the vet and she has heartworms. if i would have kept her on the heartworm meds in the winter she would be fine. it's my fault. so she has to take all these treatments and her age they may not be able to do it.

Think i'm going to ask the doc if he can keep me knocked out until the world is a better place. but i gotta keep goin, i made a vow 40 years ago to my wife, for better or for worse or until death do us part and by gosh i'm keein that vow.. gotta keep strong for my dog too. all these meds we take are going to run together. my minds not sharp as it used to be.

Thanks for reading and again i apologize, i know i shouldn't even burdon anyone. i'm gonna keep the kids and grandkids busy while i'm down with the knee.
Hang in there buddy, my prayers and thoughts are with you. Hopefully your tomorrows will bring better news and results 👍
Sorry to hearcwhst you are going through friend. Prayers sent your way for comfort and healing.

I think everyone goes through those thoughts. Our situation is not much different with my wifes infirmities. It's damn hard to listen to her cry in the shower in pain sometimes or late at night when she thinks I am sleeping. Sleep, right. Sat many a night up half the night pondering a possible future that 20 years ago I never could have conceived of. Sat nursing a drink, or two, half last night in the snowglobe while she slept, thinking...

Stay strong my friend, keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Life is tough and i am very sorry for even posting this but i need to vent or something.
yes, yes...life it tough, i cannot recall anyone saying it was ever going to be easy.

but when we go thru life's little or large hardships, and survive, it builds our character, and fortitude to tackle the next item on life's menu.

there is an "easy way out", but that's for cowards, as for those of us that keep fighting the battle(s), and even if exhausted, we win, and look up and say to God..."you won't take me today you bastard"...."not today"....... "i won today, and i will WIN again tomorrow"...