
Wayne LaPierre resigns

Maybe NRA can restore its reputation now. I’m going to have to look into joining it again. Can’t imagine this is anything but good news!

Best news of 2024 thus far !!
Still amazes me how without seeing any credible evidence, so many 2A guys aligned themselves with Letitia James. She campaigned for AG promising to take down Trump and The NRA.
Not being happy with the NRA, Wayne LaPierre and the way the NRA squandered its reputation has nothing to do with siding with Letitcia James. I want nothing more than for the NRA to flourish. I just couldn’t stomach some of the things going on there. I’m hoping with WLP gone, things will get better. Screw James and her anti 2A agenda. WLP has needed to go for a while… Doesn’t mean the NRA needed to go.
In all this time I haven’t seen any credible evidence of the NRA or WLP doing anything illegal or immoral. Unless one of you can prove me wrong, neither have you. Seems to me like many have made their minds up based on media reports. The same media you claim is carrying water for democrats.

So any of you guys pulling for Biden in 2024? We can make the NY attorney general 2 for 2.
Maybe NRA can restore its reputation now. I’m going to have to look into joining it again. Can’t imagine this is anything but good news!

May the door smack his butt on the way out. Have not been a member for many a moon.
In all this time I haven’t seen any credible evidence of the NRA or WLP doing anything illegal or immoral. Unless one of you can prove me wrong, neither have you. Seems to me like many have made their minds up based on media reports. The same media you claim is carrying water for democrats.

So any of you guys pulling for Biden in 2024? We can make the NY attorney general 2 for 2.
WLP made the mistake of trying his Insurance idea in NY.

And there's a long history of WLP ingratiating himself on the backs of the org/membership.
WLP did not retain his position by force. Therefore you must conclude the entire board and all the officers are corrupt as well.
The Board let WLP do what he did. A lot of changes needed there.

"When people are given too much power and control, they can become corrupt and abuse their position for personal gain. This can lead to negative consequences for the people they are supposed to serve, as well as for society as a whole."

This nothing different than a variation of the 1977 Cincinnati Revolt.

Every time the org called asking for money I told them when WLP left I'd do so again, but I never gave up on the NRA mission and did do locally.

A lot of good 2A folks left the NRA administrative org because of WLP.

When he rarely was on TV speaking about the 2A issues I always though he was terrible at it.
Accusing we who applaud this person's resignation of siding with the prosecutor is preposterous, and quite frankly, offensive.
I’m accusing you of buying the crap that was fed to you by a liberal media and all the anti gun people who called the NRA a terrorist organization.

You all keep saying WLP this and WLP that yet not once here have any of you ever offered any proof. Nor have any of you had the insight to suspect it was a hatchet job from the start.

And let me be even more frank. Not one of you had anything to say about WLP prior to Letitia James lawsuit. So you can say it predated that but if it did it didn’t bother you that much since you never said anything about it.
Perhaps some of us has been watching how WLP has mis-managed the NRA for a longer period of time.

The NY insurance plan was an example of his mis-management, and a radical NY AG showed up to jump on this and took advantage of the opportunity.