
What are we reading?

Just starting the Center for Military History "Campaign in the Marianas." I had just re-watched "The Pacific" on Netflix and the Marianas was one campaign not covered in the series since the primary characters were not in this operation. So I got curious and started this book.

Having finished two Lawrence Block novels, it's on to "No Country For Old Men" from Cormac McCarthy. Next: "George Harrison-The Reluctant Beatle" from Philip Norman; wonderful writer, excellent biographer.
Not sure if you're aware but the book compiled of the Mal Evans archives has been released. I haven't read it yet, but I am assured by my fellow Beatleheads it is a great read.

The Scrolls of Onteora - The Cremona Document​


"From the ancient city of Jerusalem to the mountains of New York, the Scrolls of Onteora, known as the Cremona Document, tell the story of the Knights Templars who found artifacts and documents, revealing how the scrolls were transported to the Americas - centuries before they were settled by Europeans. Learn the meaning of these artifacts found beneath the walls of Jerusalem and follow Ralph de Sudeley and his companions as they endeavor to recover these lost scrolls."
I finished Ken Follett's "The Pillars of the Earth" some days ago. I'm headed to town tomorrow to borrow "World Without End", followed by "A Column of Fire" to complete the Kingsbridge trilogy. The novels are indeed tomes, and difficult to lay aside; I finished the first in under four days!

In Dec 1982 I went to Rehab. At some point in 1983 I found this book in a 7-11 in Omaha. There was something on the back about how the main character, Mathew Scudder was struggling to stay sober. I bought the book on the spot.

I've never really been mystery reader but it was clear that the author (who I wasn't familiar with at the time) was a member of A.A.

I actually got to tell this story to Lawrence Block and I told him that The book normalized Sobriety for me.

I've read all of the Scudder Novels except the new one and a couple of his short story books but I have no interest in the Bernie Rohdenbar books and certainly no interest in his porn novels.
I recently finished "Overlord" by Kurt Schlichter. This is Book 8 in his Kelly Turnbull/People's Republic series.
The premise is that in the near future the split between liberals and conservatives finally reaches the point of Civil War. The Northeast across to Illinois and the entire west coast Split from the U.S. to become the ultra-liberal Peoples Republic. The Midwest and South remain the United States.
In the People's Republic liberalism has run wild. You can be whatever gender, race, sexual orientation, religion (other than christian) that you chose. But it ain't working as dreamed. The rich live in guarded, walled communities and have all the privileges of rank. There is very little middle class left. The average citizen struggles day to day just to survive.
Kelly Turnbull, our hero, is a retired SOCOM operator in the U.S. who takes on various missions that require he sneak into the PR.
Excellent action/adventures and Schlitcher (retired Army Colonel) knows his weapons and writes battle scenes in an captivating style.
While the descriptions of the PR do go overboard at times, this could actually happen.
I've read all the books and highly recommend them.
Some notable authors were able to sustain with writing "pulp-porn" at the beginning of their career. It afforded the ability to write constantly, to hone the craft.