
Search results

  1. Mika_NoAngelo

    Couldn't resist. New plinker!

    110 Round Drum. Smiles all day!
  2. Mika_NoAngelo

    CZ 75 B Omega convertible 9mm

    I prefer the omega triggers in the CZ pistols when given the option. My P09 has the omega trigger.
  3. Mika_NoAngelo

    Taurus and gun control

    Taurus USA had best get ahead of this mess. Maybe G4's for anyone who mails in a request....:sneaky:
  4. Mika_NoAngelo

    Two-Tone Tuesday

  5. Mika_NoAngelo

    WWHGD (what would hans gruber do)

    Ugh! More Coffee!
  6. Mika_NoAngelo

    WWHGD (what would hans gruber do)

    MP5-SD G3 HK416 MR762A1 MK23
  7. Mika_NoAngelo

    M-16’s in a box…

    Funny how the one segment of firearms that is completely regulated seems to be a mess.
  8. Mika_NoAngelo

    M-16’s in a box…

    Shopping for old 'empty' cases today!!! The guns are Vietnam era. They have been looking for a home for a long time!
  9. Mika_NoAngelo

    Manual Safety or Not: Too Dangerous To Carry?

    I've stuck with the double/single actions for my concealed carry. Any striker fire model I prefer a manual safety with the exception of my XDM Elite.
  10. Mika_NoAngelo

    knocked on my buttocks big time

    Every year that vaccine changes. The brains get together and decide which strain will be prevalent and then tweak accordingly. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don't. Regardless it still gives some protection. With the Flu vaccine it also matters what type you get. The nasal stuff is...
  11. Mika_NoAngelo

    Same thing but meaner

    1 cm is back!!!!
  12. Mika_NoAngelo

    New XDM Compact 10mm frame issue

    Wow! Thanks. Much appreciated.
  13. Mika_NoAngelo

    New XDM Compact 10mm frame issue

    Yup, I currently run irons.
  14. Mika_NoAngelo

    New XDM Compact 10mm frame issue

    Yes. They replaced the first spring.
  15. Mika_NoAngelo

    New XDM Compact 10mm frame issue

    No it gets sprung
  16. Mika_NoAngelo

    New XDM Compact 10mm frame issue

    No issue with the frame but I'm about to replace my second chamber indicator spring. Anybody else having any issues?
  17. Mika_NoAngelo

    Red dot rifle scope

    You might want a riser.
  18. Mika_NoAngelo

    looks like they will pass

    Maine looks very 2A friendly. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION - Article 1, Section 16. “Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned.” As does New Hampshire -STATE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION - Part 1, Article 2-a “All persons have the right to keep and...
  19. Mika_NoAngelo

    Entry-level AR-15?

    Don't buy a complete rifle. Buy a complete upper and complete lower, there's a 10% Tax on complete rifles. Building rifles becomes addictive, be careful.
  20. Mika_NoAngelo

    Congress Target’s 2nd Amendment for Deletion With Mega Gun Control Wish List

    The media only reports on how many Republicans are needed to pass such legislation totally disregarding that pro 2A democrats do exsist. May their duty to protect the constitution override their party loyalties.