
Best Hellcat Ammo?

G25, Here's a picture of all my 1911's from a post here "Show off your 1911". The text below is a description of the shown picture. The 2nd row of Colts are the "Black Army", Colt Gold Cup 45, and Colt Delta Elite 10mm.

Mixture of both .45 & 10mm. Top row all Springfield Armory, 2nd row all Colt and bottom row Kimber & Ruger. Last column of each row are the 10mm, the Colt in 1st column is a 1918 "Black Army" (goes nice with the 1942 P08 Mauser "Black Widow" Luger (not shown), that I own.
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That is impressive. Wow, very nice collection. I really like the one in the center 2nd row.
Where did you go? 🤔🤷‍♂️
Ok, now I want one of those...lol
Funny, it was one of the first firearms I wanted back in the early 80's. I never bought one (or any other type of firearm for that matter), as my interests went into other areas. More recently, as I got very much into firearms collecting, I had to revisit getting one and it was my first of the 1911's I started to collect. Looking back I wish I had started my collecting when I looked at that Gold Cup in the 80's. 😕
Funny, it was one of the first firearms I wanted back in the early 80's. I never bought one (or any other type of firearm for that matter), as my interests went into other areas. More recently, as I got very much into firearms collecting, I had to revisit getting one and it was my first of the 1911's I started to collect. Looking back I wish I had started my collecting when I looked at that Gold Cup in the 80's. 😕
Well you've certainly got a very nice collection, sir.
Prohibitively expensive to shoot enough to verify reliability, imho, and questionable if it lives up to it’s claims.

Personally, I don’t see it doing anything any better than a heavy, hard cast flat nose loaded hot
This Lehigh Xtream Penetrator 9mm round out of a 16.5" Carbine barrel makes a devastating exit wound golf ball size and it killed this Coyote with a clean kill at about 80 yards fired from a Ruger PC 9 Carbine Rifle. We had some Coyotes take some of the neighborhood pets 4 cats and two little dogs went missing and the lady next door said she saw a coyote with a small dog in its mouth and 3 or 4 others coyotes in daylight she showed me where they entered the woods so I followed a game trail into a field and I asked the landowner for permission to hunt coyotes and I set up a ground blind and set out my electronic call playing the wounded cottontail call I put out cottontail rabbit urine cover sent and put out my decoy rabbit at 30 yards out and I took out 4 coyotes 2 at 30 yards one a 50 and one at 80 with the Ruger PC 9 Carbine 9mm rifle and Lehigh ammo in the late afternoon they came close! No coyotes have been seen in 4 months in this area nor did anyone hear coyotes calling at night. Nor any reports of missing pets. I found a cat remains with a collar half-eaten and a small dog remains with collar shots tags. the people who were missing their pets Identified the collars and shot tag. Coyotes may look so sweet but they are extremely dangerous vicious predatory animals and will attack humans and they also carry many diseases contagious to humans and other animals and wildlife. In the county over from mine, they have a $50 bounty on coyotes. Guns & Ammo Money is what that is if I were in that county I would have made $200 bucks !!! for 4 coyotes.


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Do you mind if I ask, what is the model of the lower left Colt? I like those stainless models.
Do you mean the botom row that only contain the two 1911s? If yes, they aren't Colts. In that row, the left is a Kimber Custom A1 Stainless Steel II 45, and the right is a Ruger SR1911 10mm. The only 1911 Colts I have, are the middle row, (Lt -> Rt) 1918 Black Army 45; Gold Cup 45; and Delta Elite 10mm.
G25, Here's a picture of all my 1911's from a post here "Show off your 1911". The text below is a description of the shown picture. The 2nd row of Colts are the "Black Army", Colt Gold Cup 45, and Colt Delta Elite 10mm.

Mixture of both .45 & 10mm. Top row all Springfield Armory, 2nd row all Colt and bottom row Kimber & Ruger. Last column of each row are the 10mm, the Colt in 1st column is a 1918 "Black Army" (goes nice with the 1942 P08 Mauser "Black Widow" Luger (not shown), that I own.
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Is the lower left 1911 a Kimber Stainless classic .45 by chance? My Son has one and he loves it.
Do you mean the botom row that only contain the two 1911s? If yes, they aren't Colts. In that row, the left is a Kimber Custom A1 Stainless Steel II 45, and the right is a Ruger SR1911 10mm. The only 1911 Colts I have, are the middle row, (Lt -> Rt) 1918 Black Army 45; Gold Cup 45; and Delta Elite 10mm.
I think he is asking about the KIMBER !
Do you mean the botom row that only contain the two 1911s? If yes, they aren't Colts. In that row, the left is a Kimber Custom A1 Stainless Steel II 45, and the right is a Ruger SR1911 10mm. The only 1911 Colts I have, are the middle row, (Lt -> Rt) 1918 Black Army 45; Gold Cup 45; and Delta Elite 10mm.
Yes sir, I guess that's the Kimber, I can't zoom the pic up enough to see the make, that one is very sharp.
Speer has a round that looks like an evolution of the Gold Dot called G 2. It's available in most popular calibers and weights. The .45+P specs are really hot but sorry that's off topic.
This Lehigh Xtream Penetrator 9mm round out of a 16.5" Carbine barrel makes a devastating exit wound golf ball size and it killed this Coyote with a clean kill at about 80 yards fired from a Ruger PC 9 Carbine Rifle. We had some Coyotes take some of the neighborhood pets 4 cats and two little dogs went missing and the lady next door said she saw a coyote with a small dog in its mouth and 3 or 4 others coyotes in daylight she showed me where they entered the woods so I followed a game trail into a field and I asked the landowner for permission to hunt coyotes and I set up a ground blind and set out my electronic call playing the wounded cottontail call I put out cottontail rabbit urine cover sent and put out my decoy rabbit at 30 yards out and I took out 4 coyotes 2 at 30 yards one a 50 and one at 80 with the Ruger PC 9 Carbine 9mm rifle and Lehigh ammo in the late afternoon they came close! No coyotes have been seen in 4 months in this area nor did anyone hear coyotes calling at night. Nor any reports of missing pets. I found a cat remains with a collar half-eaten and a small dog remains with collar shots tags. the people who were missing their pets Identified the collars and shot tag. Coyotes may look so sweet but they are extremely dangerous vicious predatory animals and will attack humans and they also carry many diseases contagious to humans and other animals and wildlife. In the county over from mine, they have a $50 bounty on coyotes. Guns & Ammo Money is what that is if I were in that county I would have made $200 bucks !!! for 4 coyotes.

I suspect a JHP would have given the same result.

I still have not seen any solid evidence they are worth the money.
Do you mean the botom row that only contain the two 1911s? If yes, they aren't Colts. In that row, the left is a Kimber Custom A1 Stainless Steel II 45, and the right is a Ruger SR1911 10mm. The only 1911 Colts I have, are the middle row, (Lt -> Rt) 1918 Black Army 45; Gold Cup 45; and Delta Elite 10mm.
Is a very nice collection.....except for that.....that.....should I say it.......Kimber....I just threw up in my mouth now........😝😝😝😝