
Hex Wasp - Anyone’s randomly stop working?

Maybe I wrote that wrong but I didn’t think / don’t think I have 100% co-witness. I can barely see my irons and the dot at the same time. As far as not being lined up, that was me trying to hold the phone while pushing the focus button and my hand slipped (more than once).

Trust me the irons are dead on. The red dot is dead on. I am looking at other plates right now that’ll offer me 1/3 co-witness. I believe I found one. As far as 100% witness, no thanks. All my rifles and handguns are set to 1/3. I don’t want 100%. For me 1/3 is better.
Thanks for the update.
Not sure how much hope I have reading about multiple replacements here, might just take my lumps and trade my 20 round hellcat for a P365 after I get the Wasp back,

I own the Hellcat and the P365. Be sure you shoot a P365 before making that trade. I do like the P365 but I like my Hellcat better. I like the trigger and the sights better on the Hellcat and that makes me a little more accurate. I get on the fence of letting my P365 go every now and then.
Maybe I wrote that wrong but I didn’t think / don’t think I have 100% co-witness. I can barely see my irons and the dot at the same time. As far as not being lined up, that was me trying to hold the phone while pushing the focus button and my hand slipped (more than once).

Trust me the irons are dead on. The red dot is dead on. I am looking at other plates right now that’ll offer me 1/3 co-witness. I believe I found one. As far as 100% witness, no thanks. All my rifles and handguns are set to 1/3. I don’t want 100%. For me 1/3 is better.
OK, whatever works I'm for ya', but I just gotta' ask why in the world you would not want 100%. On a long gun I can sorta' understand, but on a short handgun...... no comprende.o_O:)
I own the Hellcat and the P365. Be sure you shoot a P365 before making that trade. I do like the P365 but I like my Hellcat better. I like the trigger and the sights better on the Hellcat and that makes me a little more accurate. I get on the fence of letting my P365 go every now and then.
Why not just sell the Wasp and keep the Hellcat? I respect your opinions, but I wouldn't trade my Hellcat for 2 365's. Not because I'm knockin' the Sigs, there absolutely great guns, but then so is the Hellcat. It just seems to me like letting go of a really good gun because of not liking the RDS is like cutting off one's nose to spite his face. I'm really curious.
OK, whatever works I'm for ya', but I just gotta' ask why in the world you would not want 100%. On a long gun I can sorta' understand, but on a short handgun...... no comprende.o_O:)
Can’t answer for anyone else, but will answer for me. The glass is already small on a micro red dot. Irons are not needed at all to use a red dot. The last thing I want is to have the irons take a big part of the glass. It would be distracting. The Hellcat with a Wasp or 507K and no plate provides a lower co-witness. That is all I want. If for some reason the red dot failed (common with the Wasp) I just want the irons to still be usable.
Can’t answer for anyone else, but will answer for me. The glass is already small on a micro red dot. Irons are not needed at all to use a red dot. The last thing I want is to have the irons take a big part of the glass. It would be distracting. The Hellcat with a Wasp or 507K and no plate provides a lower co-witness. That is all I want. If for some reason the red dot failed (common with the Wasp) I just want the irons to still be usable.
Its fine to witness if thats what some like. I agree i want to rely only on my target with the red dot. But in case the red dot fails i can still see my front sight. Its just the battery issue. Well not battery. Its the wasp unit. I was changing batteries out every month. That's nuts. Anyway springfield received my wasp back. I got confirmation from them that they received it, they paid the fed ex shipping to them. So they are doing something to at least help out. They told me 2 to 4 weeks before i get another one. Lets see if this one works out. Fingers crossed..lol
Yes, I was writing primarily to 'meatofman24' having the issue with his sight not holding zero. I agree with you on the battery issue. See his post in msg #116 above.

As an aside, I have a Wasp I've never mounted but did install the battery on 12/26/21 due to this very thread. As of today, 3/1/22, a full two months, it's still going strong. But mine was bought from Springfield Armory well over a year ago, just had not installed the battery till this thread. So, more than two months ago it went in and still today going strong. I've made it through the 'one month till dead battery' issue, so I guess we'll see.
I am having battery drain problems also. Battery lasts about 30 days, maybe. On my 4th battery.
I am having battery drain problems also. Battery lasts about 30 days, maybe. On my 4th battery.cont

I am having battery drain problems also. Battery lasts about 30 days, maybe. On my 4th battery.
Contact springfield they will get you a new one. Call them. Its fastest way to get it resolved. They will send you a fed 3xp. Return lable cia email. Print it out and when you drop off your wasp. Make sure you get a receipt for the drop off. It's obvious its rhe wasp. We don't need to be scientists to figure the issue is the wasp. Come on springfield fix the issues. You are aware of the problems we are having..
Springfield doesn’t make the Hex Wasp! They buy them from the manufacturer to ship with Springfield guns. I’m sure they are just as “if not more frustrated” then customers are.

In the latest Springfield Armory magazine they have an article on another handgun they are shipping with a red dot, this time it’s a Crimson Trace.
Ah, they do make the WASP, mabye not there in Geneso, don’t know where you got misinformed at, it’s there product.

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Funny thing but for some reason I decided to go to the SA site to look around re the Wasp. While there I found a place to 'register' my Wasp. I had not thought about registering it since I had not yet mounted it and only put the battery in it back in December even though I had actually bought in August of '21. At any rate, the registration for calls for the serial # of the sight and I cannot find any serial #. Anyone happen to know the location of the # on the Wasp sight? Thanks.
Funny thing but for some reason I decided to go to the SA site to look around re the Wasp. While there I found a place to 'register' my Wasp. I had not thought about registering it since I had not yet mounted it and only put the battery in it back in December even though I had actually bought in August of '21. At any rate, the registration for calls for the serial # of the sight and I cannot find any serial #. Anyone happen to know the location of the # on the Wasp sight? Thanks.
Same here, no ideal where to look….

Edit: Maybe it’s under the battery???
Ah, they do make the WASP, mabye not there in Geneso, don’t know where you got misinformed at, it’s there product.

Thanks I stand corrected that Springfield “doesn’t” and I’m not splitting hairs but like there XD line they contracted with an outside company to produce the Hex lineup and it has turned into a nightmare, unfortunate.
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OK, whatever works I'm for ya', but I just gotta' ask why in the world you would not want 100%. On a long gun I can sorta' understand, but on a short handgun...... no comprende.o_O:)
I guess the way I understand 100% co-witness is that the irons are in the middle of the RDS window. Since my Trijicons are at 1/3 co-witness, and that’s what/how I learned to shoot w/ an RDS, I want to keep all my RDS’s the same.? On all my handguns and my rifles. Maybe 🤔 I should try 100%, I might like it.? Don’t knock it till ya’ try it. Right? Thanks for your input….
This is how it usually works on long guns with a very long sight radius and often requiring tall mounts. It does not however work like the above pictures a hand gun with a short sight radius. The real key is to find a couple guns you can beg, borrow or steal and try with both options. You might be surprised.

On short sight radius small hand guns, you most likely will not be able to use the iron sights at all with a lower 30% co-witness. On a long gun and with the proper mounts all it usually takes to use the BUIS is to tilt your head just a little.