If you want space on your bench for doing other things, you can fasten the press to a piece of plywood and mount it to the bench with one bolt. My 650 is permanently mounted, but I have 3 others that are attached to plywood. I have a t nut attached under the top that I can fasten any press with one bolt.
I can't believe it took me decades to buy an electric heater for reloading.

I also have a pedestal fan for when the seasons change. If you have room, you can get a metal shelving unit to store your reloading stuff. The particle board shelf on one broke under bullet weight, so I replaced that shelve with real wood. No messes so far.
funny you posted about a work bench.
i have a bench in my shop, but i wanted one for reloading only, so i just minutes ago, finished the build stage of one.
in my house, i keep a LOT of scrap wood, metal, nuts, bolts, washers, well you name it, i must have it in a coffee can somewhere..lol
so here are some pics of my uncomplete reloading bench..
#1, this was actually a longer piece, that i had made up, with supports and bracings for our washer/.drier to sit on top of, but then i never used it, and cut it up years ago, for other things, these 2 piece are what was left. (the blue you see is my "work bench", it's really a very old wooden box.
#2, this is the lay out of the stiffeners, and in the middle, you see 2 boards. later, when the press arrives, i will then bolt them down, and then the press plate will be bolted to those.
#3, the orientation of the legs, which i had, from an old 8 foot long wooden table i built for family gatherings, for the holidays.
#4, standing on it's own, no front cover yet
#5, scrap of wood, for the front....i musta done something right, the dang thing IS level..>!!!!
the backside, (what was already attached when i started this)
i had to lightly sand the top of the table/bench to be rid of large paint splatter. then i had to do some caulking of the holes from previous screws, and when that drives, another quick sanding, then i got like 42,000 gallons of Battleship gray paint..........
this is "normal sitting height", for the time being, if i need to raise it higher, i might just make riser blocks outta the 27,000 pieces of scrap wood i got.
now, seriously.......i don;t know where it's gonna go.......it measures 24" deep, X 36" wide......
i may have to get rid of my 2 snow throwers to make room......

