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  1. Hawk Eye

    Democrat introduces bill banning nearly ALL semi-auto firearms in Ohio

    “Shall not be infringed” is clear to anyone with 2 brain cells.
  2. Hawk Eye

    Nature Captured At Its Finest, Most Adorable, Incredible, Beautiful And Amazing Moments

    Little Lehigh Creek, a class A trout stream. Looks mad ‘cuz it’s the fly fishing only section.
  3. Hawk Eye

    Chipotle To Make ‘Significant’ Price Increases In California In Response To Minimum Wage Hike

    It’s amazing how stupid people are, isn’t it?
  4. Hawk Eye

    What are we reading?

    The Brothers Karamazov
  5. Hawk Eye

    Gun Violence Archive Logs 'Non-Violent' Incidents as 'Gun Violence' News

    I cringe whenever anyone uses the phrase “gun violence “.
  6. Hawk Eye

    Lunker trout

    Today this Great Blue Heron caught a lunker trout in the Little Lehigh Creek in Pennsylvania. For a sense of scale, herons stand about 50 inches tall.
  7. Hawk Eye

    Laguna Seca Sued by Rich Neighbors for Being a Race Track

    If those people were really rich, they’d be living in Monterey. Just sayin’.
  8. Hawk Eye

    DISEASE X!!! Meh…

    Let me guess….it’s going to come out of a cave in China on the wings of a bat.
  9. Hawk Eye

    Gun ownership in United States

    When the government tells you that you don’t need guns, you need more guns.
  10. Hawk Eye

    20 Attorney Generals Argued 5.56 Ammo Should Be Limited To Military Use

    Most of these AGs are diversity hires with no real world qualifications. Zero respect.
  11. Hawk Eye


    Wonder how gruesome Newsome is planning on giving all the illegals free health care with a) no money and b) lack of healthcare workers.
  12. Hawk Eye

    New Gun Bills Introduced in Va General Assembly

    Politicians can only take your rights away if you allow it to happen. Your rights aren’t derived from politicians to begin with, otherwise they’re merely permissions. See Canada.
  13. Hawk Eye

    The Worm is Turning on WOKEISM

    Unfortunately the Harvard president was given another position within the university with her salary intact. They just moved the cancer, they didn’t eradicate it.
  14. Hawk Eye

    Ukraine Says It Shot Down Three Russian Su-34 Fullbacks

    Truth is the first casualty of war.
  15. Hawk Eye

    Club membership renewal time

    Ours renews Jan 1st at $60 a year.
  16. Hawk Eye


    Proof that your government truly hates you.
  17. Hawk Eye

    Turned down again, cuz I am retired and old

    Try nursing homes. I just retired from a county-run home and the Environmental Services department there didn’t discriminate for age.