It’s easy peezy.
1. Have a firearm you want to SBR (I prefer starting with a pistol. Some firearms are a pain and take great lengths to change to a short barrel. So why not just start with a pistol, and at least you can use it as a pistol Now while you wait.).
2. Order finger print cards:
Make sure to have the finger prints done before you file. You only have a certain time to get them to the atf. You can also order from Amazon… finger print cards only.
3. Register for an efile account with the ATF.
carefully fill in all the info. And Make sure to know your user name that is assigned and the 4 digit pin number you choose
4. Fill out the finger print cards 2 per stamp. Then go get your prints taken. I go to my local police department, takes like 5 mins. Once they are complete move onto the next step.
5. Take a passport style photo. Save it to your computer as a jpg.
6. Log into your eforms account and start a form 1 form. Carefully fill out all of the information. You will need to know:
Your Info
Trust Info if you do that/I just do a personal
cleo Info
Gun info (the additional info box meaning: thats what you are going to engrave on the firearm.
Ex James Nicholas
Lala Land AL
or James Nicholas Trust
Lala land AL )
Upload your photo skip the finger prints if you have a paper version.
pay your stamp via cc/debit
then certify: have your username and pin number handy because it will time out.
Hit submit and wait because the ATF website is slow.
7. Look for the ATF email saying your status has changed to submitted and then the email for the cover letter for your finger prints. Print the letter with the barcode twice once for inside and one for outside. Then go to the post office and priority mail the prints to the atf.
8. Patiently wait for the next atf email saying your status has changed.
once you get the approval
you can act like Dr. Moreau and make your creation.
If you go the Silencershop route
You need an account on the website
Download the phone app and get a kiosk code.
Go to the Gunstore with a kiosk and log in with the app.
fill in your info and do your finger prints.
After a couple days (silencershop is slow…..I have to deal with them everyday)
order a set of finger print cards and wait for them to show up. then go back to step 6
You can also order your trust.