The Burris Veracity scope is a high-tech optic that brings new dimensions to hunting. The Hunt Fish Shoot team puts it to the test on a Springfield Model 2020 Redline. The scope was provided by Burris for this review.
Like it or hate it, technology has infiltrated the hunt. As someone who has hunted since they were 5 years old and before social media made it cool, I appreciate the introduction of technology as a hunting aid. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily agree with all of it, but if it can make a hunter more lethal, thus leading to a more ethical kill, I’m all for it.

This brings us to the topic of modern rifle scopes, namely the Burris Veracity PH 4-20×50. Burris created the Eliminator scope many years ago, which pioneered electronics in a hunting scope. While that optic might have helped set the trend, I am going to tell you why I think the Veracity PH is a knockout, yet still retains some of that old-school rifle scope feel.
What Is It?
The Burris Veracity PH 4-20×50 is a ballistics-solving rifle scope that features a 30mm tube and weighs 29 ounces. Meaning it’s still light enough for a hunting scope while containing cutting-edge ballistic-solving technology inside. It features a HUD in the top ¼ of the sight picture that has readouts for yards, inclinometer and wind holds. It even has a built-in level. The scope can account for inclination and adjust the yard readout to match. To use, range your target, dial the elevation turret to match the yardage readout on the HUD, do your part as the shooter, and the shot will hit where you aim.

The scope measurements are based on minute of angle or MOA and the elevation turret is clickless with 1/10 MOA adjustments. This is in comparison to most scopes that are in ¼ MOA adjustments. The windage turret is capped with standard ¼ MOA clicks. Like the rest of Burris’ hunting scopes, it is waterproof, shockproof and fogproof, and backed by a “Forever Warranty”.
No scope can be tested without an accurate rifle, so we chose the Springfield Armory Model 2020 Redline chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor. In our experience, the Redline chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor has been a sub-1/2 MOA gun with the Hornady Precision Hunter 143-gr. ELD-X ammo we used to test the scope.

Setup of the scope is a breeze, but to appreciate that you must know what it takes with normal rifle/scope pairing. Normally, I would need to zero the rifle with a ballistics chronograph and then input that information into a ballistics calculator such as Applied Ballistics. Then, I would go to a long-distance range, and dial the turret to MOA or Mils based off the ballistics calculation on a card or phone for a given distance. Finally, I would shoot with the hope my calculation is correct. Generally, the shot will be moderately close and the DOPE (Data Over Previous Engagements) will need to be refined for true accuracy. When done this way, it takes a lot of shooting and data recording.
With the Burris Veracity PH, I zero the rifle scope mechanically. Then, I opened the Burris Connect App on my phone, ensured it was connected with Bluetooth to the Veracity PH scope, and selected electronic zero. This ensured the electronic 100-yard zero was set. Ensure the bullet and rifle data is accurate in the app, and sync the scope to the app data. Once this is complete, the Veracity PH and rifle are ready to shoot. It is important to note that even if battery power or electrical failure happens, the Veracity PH can still function like a normal rifle scope.
How Did It Perform?
I had a steel IPSC C-Zone size steel set up in our hay field at 307 yards and 608 yards and, with the right wind hold, the scope worked exactly as it was designed. At 307 yards, I turned the elevation turret to match 307 yards on the HUD inside the scope, leveled the reticle and held for the wind. The first shot was missed due to an incorrect wind hold displayed by the scope, which uses atmospheric data from the app and not real-time wind at the exact location. I don’t fault the scope for this, I fault myself for not relying on my shooting skillset.

With dead center hold on the IPSC C-zone steel target, second-round impacts at both 307 and 608 were a breeze. I managed to shoot a three-shot sub-MOA group at both 307 and 608. The Burris Veracity PH, after zeroing and syncing the scope to the Burris Connect app, is as easy as turning the turret and HUD display to match the yardage of a ranged target and pulling the trigger to get accurate hits. The Veracity PH can take someone who has never built a DOPE card or shot long-range with a rifle and help them get first-round hits at distances past 600 yards.
The Burris Veracity PH 4-20×50 is one innovative, easy-to-use rifle scope for the modern-day hunter. If you are someone who loves technology and how it has helped enhance the hunt, the Veracity PH scope is a must-have. It is one of the coolest scopes I have ever used, and it truly impressed me.
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