Review: CrossBreed Rogue System Holster

By Adam Scepaniak
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Review: CrossBreed Rogue System Holster

April 25th, 2022

5 minute read

CrossBreed Holsters is no stranger to the realm of concealed carry, as they’ve been helping shooters find the best options for their personal defense needs for decades. While there are many product offerings in their line, many concealed carry enthusiasts will know them for their relatively recent SuperTuck holster — one of the most popular holsters on the market to this day. And one of its newest holsters, the Rogue System, gives us all an exciting new option.

Man holding CrossBreed Rogue System holster
The Rogue System from CrossBreed Holsters gives you a highly flexible and adaptable means for carrying a CCW pistol. Image: Savannah Pierson/SavvyPhotage

A Range of Options

The CrossBreed Rogue can be worn as a standalone holster, or it can be coupled with an additional mag carrier for more rounds in the line of defense. In my opinion, this holster does a lot of things right in that it accommodates non-traditional handgun profiles such as firearms with micro red dots mounted like the Hellcat OSP, and even ones with a compensator — like the Hellcat RDP.

CrossBreed Rogue System holster with pistol and magazine inside
The Rogue is highly adjustable for retention, cant and height, as well as numerous modes of carry. Image: John McKenzie/Down Range Photography

While the affinity for shooters to utilize micro red dots and compensators grows every day, much of the holster industry has been slow to follow suit in fabricating compatible holsters, except for CrossBreed. I have been using the CrossBreed Rogue system for the last four months while toting a Springfield Armory Hellcat RDP. Luckily for me, the CrossBreed Rogue accommodates both of the RDP’s notable features — a HEX Wasp red dot and its Self Indexing Compensator.

Some days, depending on my clothing, it might be feasible to carry my Hellcat RDP with an additional magazine via appendix inside-the-waistband (AIWB), while other days it might not be as easy to conceal an additional mag. In roughly five minutes, I can build out the Rogue holster system to suit my needs and attire for a given day.

Man holstering pistol in CrossBreed Rogue System holster during evaluation test
The author was impressed with the Rogue’s capabilities, allowing him to comfortably conceal and carry his Hellcat RDP and a spare magazine. Image: Savannah Pierson/SavvyPhotage

Being able to carry an additional magazine is a bit of a heated debate in the gun community — it will ruffle some feathers amongst your shooting friends. However, I am of the mindset that it is “better to have and not need than need and not have,” so I carry an extra magazine as frequently as possible.

I appreciate that the Rogue holster is an all-inclusive system. In fact, the Rogue System is highly adaptable to a wide range of carry modes. In addition to the AIWB mode I mentioned, it can also be used as an inside-the-waistband (IWB) and also as an outside-the-waistband (OWB) crossdraw holster with optional OWB loops.

Tuned To Your Needs

Another feature I appreciated was the adjustable retention. Many IWB holsters I have used in the past did not allow for retention adjustment, so you would have to go to awkward lengths to achieve the security and draw stroke you desire. In fact, I would use the tightness of my very own belt to “adjust retention” on some inferior IWB holsters that I no longer deploy. The adjustable retention that the CrossBreed Rogue System enables is far superior.

Man holding CrossBreed Rogue System holster with pistol and magazine inside
The Rogue System’s Kydex construction and adjustability made it a rugged and adaptable carry rig. Image: Savannah Pierson/SavvyPhotage

Another way the CrossBreed Rogue System offers you a wide range of fine-tuning and adjustment to your carry rig is its multiple clip options. Some concealed carriers might overlook the value in this, but I value this add-on a great deal. Some days, depending on my attire, I might want the Rogue holster system to sit higher on my waistline because my outermost garment is easy to clear. Other times, my outer garment might be bulky, cumbersome, or generally difficult to clear out of the way, so I may want the Rogue System to sit deeper on my waistline. With the multiple clip options, I can tailor that aspect of the holster to exactly how I need it.

A lot of the customization of the Rogue makes it significantly more comfortable than most IWB holsters in my experience. Also, because of the adjustable clip mounting locations for higher or lower carry positions, plus being able to choose your desired carry style, height and location, as mentioned the Rogue System can be worn strong side, appendix or even cross-draw with OWB loops.

CrossBreed Rogue Review Conclusion

Overall, carrying my Springfield Armory Hellcat RDP with the CrossBreed Rogue holster system has been, and will continue to be, a great experience. Typically, when you choose holsters, you might individually search for features like an attached magazine carrier, adjustable retention, different clip options or even a concealment wedge, but end up compromising and losing several of those desirable traits.

CrossBreed Rogue holster with pistol and magazine inside
The CrossBreed Rogue holster system offers a shooter a great deal of flexibility in the carry of a defensive pistol. Image: John McKenzie/Down Range Photography

With the CrossBreed Rogue System, you get all of them. The curved design hugs your body comfortably in multiple carrying positions at your waist, making it less noticeable for even the most observant person to know you are carrying concealed. I “had my cake and could eat it, too” with the Rogue. If you are in search of a holster to cover all your bases for modern CCW pistols, the CrossBreed Rogue System could be a valuable addition to your holster line-up.

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Adam Scepaniak

Adam Scepaniak

Adam is a manager at The Guns And Gear Store in Waite Park, MN. He's also a writer for the NRA Shooting Sports USA, TheFirearmBlog, Sierra Bullets, All Outdoor, OutdoorHub, and Boyds Gunstocks. He is a Glock and Smith & Wesson Certified Armorer as well.

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