Springfield Armory offers a variety of firearms to fit your everyday needs. I personally switch between open carry and conceal carry guns based on my activities for the day. So, how do I decide what to carry: my Hellcat vs a 1911 in 10mm?
So check out my video above, and keep reading my article that continues below.

My Low-Key EDC
If I am going to class, the mall, the grocery store or any public place, I choose to have my Hellcat properly concealed and on my person at all times in my Crossbreed Reckoning holster.
Of course, there are many other holsters for the Hellcat that are now available. You can find many options to fit your needs.

Everyone is talking about the Hellcat for many reasons, but the biggest is definitely the fact that it is the highest capacity micro-compact 9mm in the world.
This gun holds 11 rounds in the flush-fit magazine and 13 in the extended magazine. Even with the extended magazine installed it measures only 4.5″ tall. I also like the ability to increase the Hellcat magazine capacity with the Hyve Extensions.

This has been the first concealed carry-purposed gun that I own where I haven’t had to sacrifice round capacity for ease of carry. The Hellcat is fun and easy to shoot, but also reliable. It has a grip that feels secure and comfortable in your hands, thanks to the “Adaptive Grip Texture” Springfield put on it.

When I Need Even More
As an outdoorswoman, I often spend more time in the mountains than around town. During my summers I am a fly-fishing guide and fly fish in the backcountry often. In the fall months I hunt wild game for a means of food. During the winter and spring, I fish, hunt and hike often.

If I am wandering in the mountains, concealing a firearm is not a priority of mine. I’d rather open carry it on my hip and have it easily accessible for an emergency. I like using a sturdy holster that secures to my belt or backpack strap. I often use kydex or leather holsters, depending on the day.

My pistol of choice for this is the Range Officer Elite Operator 10mm from Springfield Armory. I like the 1911 configuration, and the 10mm chambering means I have enough power to deal with both two- and four-legged threats out in the wild.

I like how safe the 1911 system is. The safety is reliable and secure for hiking in thick woods and crawling through brush. The “punch” that the 10mm packs when it hits its target makes me feel safe and confident in bear, mountain lion and moose country.

So there you have it, my top choices for EDC and open carry. With my Hellcat and Elite Operator 10mm, I have the right gun for the right situation no matter where I may be heading.
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